[PYTHON] Possible values for Tkinter color specification

There are quite a few scenes where you specify colors with Tkinter.

frame = Tkinter.Frame(bg='red')

In this example, bg specifies the background color of the frame as a string literal red. However, I was curious about what the available values were, so I looked it up.

Environment used for confirmation

I feel that it is not environment-dependent, so it is just for reference.

Numerical designation

Can be specified as a 4-bit / 8-bit / 12-bit numeric character string.

Tkinter.Frame(bg='#fff') # white
Tkinter.Frame(bg='#000000') # black
Tkinter.Frame(bg='#000fff000') # green

Designation by name

Can be specified with a name such as red or yellow. For what values are available here There was a document on the Tcl / Tk site that is the source (?) Of the Tkinter wrapper.


All of the 752 types of color specification strings written here were usable.

There seems to be no problem with the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.

class TkinterColorsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_(self):

        def _assert_color(color):
                for _color in [
                        #Original value
                        #uppercase letter
            except TclError as e:
                self.assertTrue(False, msg=color)

        map(_assert_color, Colors)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Is it standardized by the name of the color? I haven't found it for a moment.

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