Run Docker environment Rails MySQL on Heroku. devise and hiding the twitter API

I haven't written it to show it to others.

The continuation of the article that my father, Rails + MySQL + Nginx + Unicorn + Docker + CircieCI, created a development environment.

Add [* Rails *] how to use devise (rails5 version) to the environment created above, and add the Twitter API to gem'dotenv-rails' I uploaded it to heroku in the production environment while hiding it with.

① Change the command of docker-compose.yml


command: /bin/sh -c "rm -f tmp/pids/ && bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b ''"

② Introduce gem'dotenv-rails'

Purpose: I don't want to put my Twitter API key locally on GitHub

I don't want to put the env file in Git management, so add the following to the .gitignore file.

Add .env to .gitignore.

This puts .env out of Git's control.

③ Introduce the API key while hiding it in .env of dotenv-rails

[* Rails *] How to use devise (rails5 version) Rewrite the place to add the twitter API to ENV []


config.omniauth :twitter, ENV['TWITTER_API_KEY'], ENV['DATABASE_URL']

④ Change the environment variables on Heroku


Heroku GUI Setting Config Vars or [Heroku app environment variable settings (set with CUI)]( Set with mm / items / 9587e21fc0ed57c803d0)

Environment variable settings for the Heroku app

--ClearDB URL confirmation You can check the URL of ClearDB with the following command.

$ heroku config
=== <App name> Config Vars
CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL: mysql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<Database name>?reconnect=true

--Environment variable settings Set each value displayed by the above command to a variable.

$ heroku config:add DB_NAME='<Database name>'
$ heroku config:add DB_USERNAME='<username>'
$ heroku config:add DB_PASSWORD='<password>'
$ heroku config:add DB_HOSTNAME='<hostname>'
$ heroku config:add DB_PORT='3306'
$ heroku config:add DATABASE_URL='mysql2://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<Database name>?reconnect=true'
$ heroku config
=== <App name> Config Vars
CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL: mysql://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<Database name>?reconnect=true
DATABASE_URL:         mysql2://<username>:<password>@<hostname>/<Database name>?reconnect=true
DB_HOSTNAME:          <hostname>
DB_NAME:              <Database name>
DB_PASSWORD:          <password>
DB_PORT:              3306
DB_USERNAME:          <username>

Deploy to Heroku

Preparations required for Rails project

--Added the following to config / environments / production.rb (The settings around here will be corrected later.)

config.assets.compile = true

Plus, set the Twitter API created with .env of gem'dotenv-rails' on heroku side.


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