[PYTHON] [Pepper Demo Tips] A technique for quickly installing and withdrawing Pepper before and after the demo to minimize unnecessary noise.

When giving a presentation with Pepper, I wrote the tips for creating an app so that it can be quickly installed and withdrawn and not bother other people as much as possible. Please refer to it when you perform a Pepper demo during a presentation or when you have a banquet with Pepper during the year-end party season.


This article assumes the following situations.

--Make Pepper speak at the beginning of the presentation or make a control with a human presenter ――I don't use Choregraphe because I want to have a natural conversation. Or you can't use your own PC at the time of announcement --Like the LT meeting, the agenda has no time to change presenters, and the others are full of presentations that have nothing to do with Pepper. You can't bother with installing and withdrawing Pepper just for your turn

At the presentation centered on Pepper demos, the management side will assume the time and effort required to install and withdraw Pepper when the presenter is changed from the beginning, and the audience will wait patiently until Pepper is ready. I think there are many cases. However, when you are the only presenter to speak with Pepper, it can be a nuisance to other presenters if the presenter does not respond promptly. It takes a long time to transport, and suddenly yells "Hey, what are you doing?" .. ..

I tried to deal with it in this way.


◎ Processing to put in the app

・ Put Rest processing at the beginning of the application ・ Put a process to wake up with a touch sensor (I used the back sensor) ・ Turn off the "pyokko" sound waiting for voice recognition

◎ When moving from the waiting area to the platform before the announcement

Play the app while you're in the waiting area or outside the venue (play from Choregraphe's robot app or tablet) ↓ Pepper is in Rest position ↓ Push Pepper to the place of presentation ↓ When you arrive at the presentation place, wake up with a touch. ↓ Start this process of the application

◎ After the announcement

Immediately, press the button on your chest twice to bring it to Rest and leave. ↓ When you return to the original waiting area, connect from Choregraphe and turn down the volume.

Processing details to put in the app

Rest and Wake Up processing

Just put in the Rest box and WakeUp box that are provided as Choregraphe boxes. I connected the boxes as follows. rest_wakeup.png

Immediately after starting the app, you can put Pepper in the Rest position and then carry it, and touch the back of Pepper's right hand to get up (Wake Up).

Turn off that sound during voice recognition

If you are designing to take the next action with voice recognition as a trigger, if you leave it in the state of waiting for voice input, it will be recognized as some keyword every time you hear the presenter's voice, and "Pyoko" May make a noise. Even if you are not in a presentation situation, it may get in the way while you are talking, so put the following processing in the Python box.

__init__Add the following in

            self.asr = ALProxy("ALSpeechRecognition")
        except Exception as e:
            self.asr = None
        self.memory = ALProxy("ALMemory")

onInput_Add the following in onStart

        if self.asr:

If you don't want your eyes to glow blue when waiting for speech recognition, add "self.asr.setVisualExpression (False)" inside "if self.asr:".


I put it below. https://github.com/yukanm/pepperdemotips


In this article, I introduced the tips for creating an app so that you can quickly install and withdraw when giving a presentation with Pepper and not bother other people as much as possible. I think there are other ways to devise other than the methods introduced, but I would appreciate it if you could refer to them as an example.

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