A story packed with Java's standard input Scanner

I'm stuck with Java standard input

As the title suggests, I got stuck when getting Java standard input. Scanner differences

The Scanner method that appears this time is

next(); It reads standard input up to ** blank **.


Standard input: ʻa 123 → Acquisition: ʻa

nextInt(); This also reads standard input up to ** blank **. The return value is ** int **.


Standard input: 1 abc → Acquisition: 1

nextLine(); This is different from the above two points, and there are two points to note. -** Read up to line feed (\ n) ** --Read blanks The return value is ** String **.

Example 1

Standard input




If this is written in one line, it is 1 \ naa, so read up to 1 before \ n and the read start position is before ʻaa`.

Example 2

Standard input

1 abc


1 abc

If this is written in one line, it is 1 abc \ naa, so read up to 1 abc before \ n and the read start position is before ʻaa`.

Based on the above

Standard input

2 3

If you want to take all the numbers / letters as

1. next(); or nextLine(); →a
2. nextInt(); →2
3. nextInt(); →3
4. next(); →b
5. nextInt(); →4
6. next(); or nextLine();→c

Will be.

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