AWS Layer Creation Script for python

ZIP by executing PIP in Lambda's Docker container. A script that publishes it as an AWS Lambda Layer.

--Doker installation required (PIP in lambci / lambda image) --Please configure AWS in advance. --Save the following source code as a file ( and grant execute permission. `` `chmod + x --Execute by specifying parameters (param1 = layer-name, param2 = lib-name, param3 = lib-version, param4 = python-version) -./ requests-python37 requests 2.22.0 python3.7``` --If you specify the same Layer-name and re-execute, a new layer-version will be created.

It's not easy to make, but it works. .. .. Please when you do not want to pollute the environment at hand.

# Require: docker installed.
# Require: aws config for publishing lambda layer
# 1. in container, pip install python liblary and zip,
# 2. publish to aws layer
# Usage: param1=layer-name, param2=lib-name, param3=lib-version, param4=python-version
#  ex ```./ requests-python37 requests 2.23.0 python3.7```

layername=$1 # requests-python37
lib=$2       # requests
ver=$3       # 2.23.0
env=$4       # python3.7

zip=$lib-$ver-$ #
echo packing: $zip

# Prepare
mkdir -p build
rm -rf build/* # Clean up

# pip and zip in docker.
docker run --rm -it  \
    --volume `pwd`/build:/tmp/build  \
    --workdir /tmp/build \
    lambci/lambda:build-$env \
    bash -c "pip3 install $lib==$ver -t /tmp/build/python && zip -qr $zip python/ && rm -rf /tmp/build/python && chown -R `id -u`:`id -g` ./*"

echo packed : build/$zip

aws lambda publish-layer-version \
    --layer-name $layername \
    --zip-file fileb://`pwd`/build/$zip \
    --description $zip \
    --compatible-runtimes $env

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