Ruby About various iterative processes


I will summarize the iterative processing of Ruby.

each method (array / hash)

The most used iterative method in Ruby. Convenient for arrays and hashes.


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "grape"]
fruits.each{ |fruit| puts fruit }

The elements of the array fruits are taken out one by one from the youngest index, put in the argument fruit, and the processing in {} is executed. I'm using {} because it only processes one line,


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sum = 0
numbers.each do |number|
  if number % 2 == 0
    sum += number / 2
    sum += number
sum #=> 12

For multiple lines, using do end makes it easier to write.

times method (number of times to repeat)

Convenient for processes that have a fixed number of repetitions.


sum = 0
10.times { |n| sum += n }
sum #=> 45

upto / downto method (numerical value)

Useful when the start and end numbers are fixed.


15.upto(20) do |age|
  if age < 18
    puts "#{age}No right to vote at age"
    puts "#{age}I am over 18 years old, so I have the right to vote"

upto repeats the process in the direction of increasing the numerical value. Executes processing from the specified first number 15 to the last number 20.


20.downto(15) do |age|
  if age < 18
    puts "#{age}No right to vote at age"
    puts "#{age}I am over 18 years old, so I have the right to vote"

downto repeats the process in the direction of decreasing the numerical value. Executes processing from the specified first number 20 to the last number 15.

while statement / until statement (end condition)

Useful when the end conditions are fixed


array = (1..100).to_a
sum = 0
i = 0
while sum < 1000
  sum += array[i]
  i += 1
sum #=> 1035

While the condition next to while is true, the process during while end is repeated. In the above code, the process ends when the total value sum exceeds 1000.

The until statement is the opposite of the while statement and repeats the process when the condition is false.


array = (1..100).to_a
sum = 0
i = 0
until sum >= 1000
  sum += array[i]
  i += 1
sum #=> 1035

The above code has the same meaning as while.rb.

loop method (infinite loop)

You can create an infinite loop with while true, but you can create it more simply by using the loop method.


numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
loop do
  n = numbers.sample
  puts n
  break if n == 7


It is convenient to use the method / syntax used for iterative processing that suits the case.


An introduction to Ruby for those who want to become professionals Junichi Ito [Author]

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