Serial communication control with python and I2C communication (using USBGPIO8 device)

About this article

Since it is assumed that you have experience in electronic circuits and know the words GPIO and I2C, we will omit the terminology in that area.

What is USBGPIO8?

A device that can control GPIO via serial communication Numato Labs' USB GPIO (digital input / output) board can be purchased from Elefine mail order in Japan. It also comes with an AD converter, which is convenient for various unit experiments.

About I2C communication This explanation is very easy to understand.

What to do

Control serial communication with python, control USBGPIO8, write 1 byte to EEPROM, and then check that it is read and written. The EEPROM uses 24LC64. 24LC64 is this product →

Hardware preparation

Let SDA be port 0 of USBGPIO8. Let SCL be port 1 of USBGPIO8. Pull up with 10kΩ each. It is connected on the breadboard with the above configuration.


About USBGPIO8 commands

You can download the manual from the Elefine website or officially, so please refer to that for details. It is recommended to perform control experiments from serial terminal software such as Teraterm instead of program control from the beginning.

gpio [command] [arg]\r

The format is, arg may or may not be present, be careful not to forget the trailing \ r. When you send a write command

[Command sent]\n\r>
#For example gpio set 0\n\r>

Will be returned with a prompt. Also, when you send a read command

[Command sent]\n\r[Return value]\n\r>
#For example gpio read 0\n\r1\n\r>
# \n\1 sandwiched between r is the return value

And returns with a return value and prompt.


Use the clear command to set port 0 to LOW

SerialInstance = serial.Serial("COM4", 115200, timeout=0.01)
SerialInstance.write("gpio clear 0\r".encode())

Use the set command to set port 0 to HIGH

SerialInstance = serial.Serial("COM4", 115200, timeout=0.01)
SerialInstance.write("gpio set 0\r".encode())


Set the timeout as timeout = 0.01, otherwise it will not return a response for the rest of your life, so it is better to set it.

GPIO reading

To read the LOW-HIGH status of port 0

SerialInstance = serial.Serial("COM4", 115200, timeout=0.01)
SerialInstance.write("gpio read 0\r".encode())

will do

gpio read 0\n\r0\n\r>

If the response is returned, the GPIO status is 0 (LOW).

Program structure

0=LOW 1=HIGH 2 = read clock Is defined as. Create an array according to the definition and control SCL and SDA according to the array.

Example When writing 1 byte EEPROM device address 0x50 Write address 0xa0 Write data 0x33 Under this condition, create the following array

1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2,
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2

Explain each line [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2] The first 7 bits represent the address of 0x50, the 8th bit is the write flag, and the 9th bit is the read of ACK. [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2] The first 8 bits are the upper byte of the write address, and the 9th bit is the read of ACK. [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2] The first 8 bits are the lower bytes of the write address, and the 9th bit is the read of ACK. [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2] The first 8 bits are 1-byte data to be written, and the 9th bit is ACK read.

When reading 1 byte next

1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1

Explain each line [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Represents the address of the first 7 bits 0x50, the 8th bit is the read flag, and the 9th bit is the transmission of ACK. [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1] The first 8 bits are read, and the 9th bit is NOACK transmission (notification of read completion).

The SDA pattern is arranged as described above, and the clock and data are transmitted / received according to the arrangement.

Source code

import serial
import sys
import time
import threading

SerialInstance = None

def SerialInit(comString):
    global SerialInstance
    SerialInstance = serial.Serial(comString, 115200, timeout=0.01)
    #SerialInstance = serial.Serial(comString, 19200, timeout=0.1)

def SerialEnd():

def SerialTalk(cmd, response=False):
    readLen = len(cmd) + 1 # gpio read 0\n\r #From the beginning\Because it has r+Not 2+1 do
    if response == True:
        readLen += 3 # N\n\r
    readLen += 1 # >
    cnt = SerialInstance.write(cmd.encode())
    res =
    res = res.decode("utf-8").strip()
    return res
    #Accurately read the number of characters returned, and if there is an excess or deficiency of even one character, the response waiting state will continue.

def gpioHigh(n):
    SerialTalk("gpio set {}\r".format(n))

def gpioLow(n):
    SerialTalk("gpio clear {}\r".format(n))

def gpioRead(n):
    res = SerialTalk("gpio read {}\r".format(n), response=True)
    return res

def ByteToLH(b):
    lh = []
    for i in range(8):
        if (b << i & 128) == 0:
    return lh

def SDA_LOW():

def SDA_HIGH():

def SCL_LOW():

def SCL_HIGH():
def READ_DATA():
    return gpioRead(0)

def parseData(all):
    res = []
    for l in all:
        a = l.split("\n\r")
    return res

# 0 = LOW
# 1 = HIGH
# 2 = READ
#Start condition:Set SDA LOW while SCL is HIGH
#Stop condition:Set SCL to HIGH and then SDA to HIGH
def WriteProc():
    ctrlByte = ByteToLH(constDeviceAddress << 1)
    addrHigh = ByteToLH((constDataAdress >> 8) & 0xff)
    addrLow = ByteToLH(constDataAdress & 0xff)
    write1Byte = ByteToLH(constData)
    cmdWrite = ctrlByte + [2] + addrHigh + [2] + addrLow + [2] + write1Byte + [2]
    size = len(cmdWrite)
    data = []
    for i in range(size):
        d = cmdWrite[i]
        if d == 0:
        elif d == 1:
        if d == 2:
            response = READ_DATA()
    SCL_LOW() #Return to LOW
    SDA_LOW() #Return to LOW
    #Waiting for writing, 5ms by specification, but wait for a long time
    print("write end")

def ReadProc():
    # set address
    ctrlByte = ByteToLH(constDeviceAddress << 1)
    addrHigh = ByteToLH((constDataAdress >> 8) & 0xff)
    addrLow = ByteToLH(constDataAdress & 0xff)
    cmdSetAddress = ctrlByte + [2] + addrHigh + [2] + addrLow + [2]
    size = len(cmdSetAddress)
    data = []
    for i in range(size):
        d = cmdSetAddress[i]
        if d == 0:
        elif d == 1:
        if d == 2:
            response = READ_DATA()
    SCL_LOW() #Return to LOW
    SDA_LOW() #Return to LOW
    # read data
    ctrlByte = ByteToLH((constDeviceAddress << 1) | 0x01)
    readByte = [2] * 8
    cmdReadByte = ctrlByte + [0] + readByte + [1]
    size = len(cmdReadByte)
    data = []
    for i in range(size):
        d = cmdReadByte[i]
        if d == 0:
        elif d == 1:
        if d == 2:
            response = READ_DATA()
    SCL_LOW() #Return to LOW
    SDA_LOW() #Return to LOW
    print("read end")

# defines
constDeviceAddress = 0x50 #Follow the IC settings
constDataAdress = 0x0a88 #Determine appropriately within the address range of the IC, this time up to 2 bytes (0)-Code assumed to be 65535), code correction is required for 3-byte address
constData = 0x44 # 0-Determine appropriately within the range of 255

def run(comString):

if __name__ == "__main__":
# python COM4

Source code explanation

How to use

For Linux

python /dev/ttyUSB0

For Windows

python COM4

How to read the return value

['0', '0', '0', '0'] #Control byte ACK, address upper byte ACK, address lower byte ACK, write data ACK
write end
['0', '0', '0'] #Control byte ACK, address upper byte ACK, address lower byte ACK
['0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1'] #Read 8-bit state
read end

that's all

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