[PYTHON] Azure External Storage MySQL Challenges with Django (PTVS)

I tried with MySQL but couldn't

First of all, from the conclusion, there was an article about using MySQL of Azure for external storage, so I tried it, but I could not do it. Here

MySQL settings on the Azure side

Search for ** MySQL Database ** from ** [New] ** on the Azure portal, select ** MySQL Database ** at the top, and create a MySQL database. 1.png

Select ** [Properties] ** from the created database and copy the ** connection string ** 3.png

I have a app that I use a lot, but it doesn't work even if I rewrite the settings.py of the app as set.


#Database=<NAME>;Data Source=<HOST>;User Id=<USER>;Password=<PASSWORD>
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': '<NAME>',
        'USER': '<USER>',
        'PASSWORD': '<PASSWORD>',
        'HOST': '<HOST>',
        'PORT': '',

Contents of Error

Maybe it won't find the location of the database because it will result in a ProgrammingError. It is useless even if Migrate and Migrations are used!

After execution

ProgrammingError at /
(1146, "Table 'testdatabase1919.app_check_list' doesn't exist")

I wondered what happened, but I thought it was because the version of Django was not good ** Django 1.8 ▶ ︎Django 1.10 **

When you run



The error was thrown out, and the error in the ** execute_from_command_line ** part could not be resolved and the app did not run in the first place. (Same for 1.9)

After all, I tried various things and it didn't work, so I gave up!

At the end

Can anyone please tell me how to do it with ** MySQL **! SQLite is ready!

For the time being, I found it safer and easier to deploy on Azure using the default SQLite!

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