[PYTHON] It can be achieved in 1 minute! Decorator that caches function execution results in memcached

This alone can cache the return value in memcached

def functionToCache(arguments):
  return arguments

When is it convenient?

Especially, I find it convenient when doing scraping and development involving external data.

How to use

  1. Do pip install python-memcached
  2. Save the following python file in a suitable place and import the cached function
  3. When defining a function, decorate it in a format like @cached (time = 1000)



def decorator_with_args(decorator_to_enhance):
A function that gives an argument to the decorator and returns it
  def decorator_maker(*args, **kwargs) :
    def decorator_wrapper(func) :
      return decorator_to_enhance(func, *args, **kwargs)
    return decorator_wrapper
  return decorator_maker

def cached(func, *args, **kwargs):
Decorator that caches results using function names and arguments as keys
How to use
    def functionToCache(arguments):
  def wrapper(*pars):
    key = func.__name__ + '_' + '_'.join([str(par) for par in pars])
    print key
    client = memcache.Client([''])
    val = client.get(key)
    if not val:
      val = func(*pars)
        client.set(key, val, time=kwargs['time'])
        pass #Please
    return val
  return wrapper


gae-memcache-decorator.py https://gist.github.com/abahgat/1395810

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