When I edit the properties file, it looks like garbled characters


When editing with eclipse, writing in Japanese and saving When I open it in another editor or when I want to check the difference with Git, it becomes as follows and I can not read it. image.png image.png ** Conversion Tool ** Reverse conversion from Unicode escape in "\ uXXXX" format


When executed with eclipse, eclipse will automatically convert using a tool called native2ascii. https://www.javadrive.jp/start/encoding/index3.html Even if the character code settings are changed depending on the content type, Japanese characters will be garbled. Actually, it is not a garbled character but a character code, and when you do System.out.println () ;, Japanese appears.


Disable native2ascii

Or use the property editor "Properties Editor plug-in" that enables editing in Japanese. http://proengineer.internous.co.jp/content/columnfeature/9158

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