[LINUX] Get a correspondence table of OTU names and their strains (phylum, family, genus, etc.) with QIIME2

In Previous article, I wrote how to get OTU count data, but in many cases other than diversity analysis, it is based on that system. I think we will discuss the data.

So, this time I will write about how to get the correspondence table of OTU and its system using QIIME2.

That said, honestly, it's not difficult at all for those who have touched QIIME2 even once. Personally, I wrote this article to cite this article when posting various analyzes using the systematic name in the future.

Follow the Official Tutorial to open taxonomy.qzv on QIIME2 (view in your browser).


qiime tools view taxonomy.qzv

This time, for the sake of simplicity, [this link](https://view.qiime2.org/?src=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.qiime2.org%2F2020.6%2Fdata%2Ftutorials%2Fmoving-pictures Make it possible to jump to the place where the sample data taxonomy.qzv is displayed on the browser from% 2Ftaxonomy.qzv).

スクリーンショット (87).png

The first column is the OTU ID, the second column is the systematic name, and the third column is the reliability (see here with-taxa-assignments / 179)).

Press "Download metadata TSV file" on the upper left to download the correspondence table as .tsv (text file).

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