[Rails tutorial] Cannot deploy to Heroku/Change from hello, world to hola, mundo


I couldn't solve the first exercise of rails 6.0 version tutorial 1.5.3 well.

Make the same changes as> so that the production app can display "hola, mundo!".

The problem is that after deploying the hello, world! App on Heroku, redeploy the hola, mondo! App. I intended to create a hola, mundo! Heroku action and redeploy it to Heroku, No matter how many times I tried, what was displayed on the browser was not "hola, mundo!" But "hello, world!".

The mistake I was making

The procedure for uploading a file to Git hub was incorrect. Here are the steps I took:

① Create controller. Added hola action.


class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def hello
    render html: "hello,world!"
  def hola
    render html: "hola,mundo!"

② Change the routing. Changed the action from hello to hola.


Rails.application.routes.draw do
 root 'application#hola'

③ Create a new application in Heroku. A subdomain dedicated to Rails applications will be created and can be viewed in a browser.

$ heroku create

④ Push to Heroku.

$ git push heroku master

⑤ Enter this command to access the URL that appears.

$ heroku open

that's all.


After step (2) above, the following steps were not enough. The cause was that the file was not uploaded to git hub properly.

① Add the changes to the staging area.

$ git add.

② Add to the local repository.

$ git commit

③ Push to the master branch.

$ git push origin master

↓ Perform steps ③ to ⑤ of "Miss I made".

I was able to solve it.

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