Create assert_equal to make it easy to write tests


Preface (Introduction)

In Test Driven Development (TDD), it is basic to repeat simple tests over and over again.

In this article, I'll create a function assert \ _equal that checks if an expression or value is the same as expected, and use it to create simple test code.



First, make sure that the values ​​of expected and result are equal.


def assert_equal(expected, result)
  return expected == result

p assert_equal(1, 1)
> ruby assert_equal.rb
-> true

Then use the colorize library to color the output for visual clarity.


require 'colorize'

def assert_equal(expected, result)
  if expected == result
    puts 'true'.green
    puts 'false'.red

assert_equal(1, 1)
assert_equal(1, 2)

The result should be green true for the first and red false for the second.

Make a few improvements.

--Output the expected and result values ​​of the arguments --Changed the processing of assert \ _equal to the following - true: print "succeeded in assert_equal.\n".green - false: print "failed in assert_equal.\n".red


require 'colorize'

def puts_vals(expected, result)
  puts "expected :: #{expected}"
  puts "result   :: #{result}"
def assert_equal(expected, result)
  puts_vals(expected, result)
  print  case expected == result
     when true  ; "succeeded in #{__method__}.\n".green
     when false ; "failed in #{__method__}.\n".red

assert_equal(1, 1)
assert_equal(1, 2)

The output is

> ruby assert_equal.rb
expected :: 1
result   :: 1
succeeded in assert_equal.
expected :: 1
result   :: 2
failed in assert_equal.

(The color has not changed on Qiita.)

Not Equal

Now create an assert \ _not \ _equal function that returns false if expected and result are equal, and true if they are different.


require 'colorize'

def puts_vals(expected, result)
  puts "expected :: #{expected}"
  puts "result   :: #{result}"
def assert_not_equal(expected, result)
  puts_vals(expected, result)
  print expected != result ?
  "succeeded in #{__method__}.\n".green :
    "failed in #{__method__}.\n".red
def assert_equal(expected, result)
  puts_vals(expected, result)
  print  case expected == result
     when true  ; "succeeded in #{__method__}.\n".green
     when false ; "failed in #{__method__}.\n".red

assert_equal(1, 1)
assert_equal(1, 2)
assert_not_equal(1, 2)
assert_not_equal(1, 1)

The output is

> ruby assert_equal.rb
expected :: 1
result   :: 1
succeeded in assert_equal.
expected :: 1
result   :: 2
failed in assert_equal.
expected :: 1
result   :: 2
succeeded in assert_not_equal.
expected :: 1
result   :: 1
failed in assert_not_equal.

Since this assert \ _equal and assert \ _not \ _equal are convenient, I would like to use them for other code as well. However, as it is, the tests in the code will also be executed, so


  assert_equal(1, 1)
  assert_equal(1, 2)
  assert_not_equal(1, 2)
  assert_not_equal(1, 1)

Change the test part like this. By writing like this, if the file name (FILE) where the code is written matches the file name ($ PROGRAM \ _FILE) where PROGRAM is running, the contents can be executed.

Reference material

Chart type ruby-IV (assert \ _equal)

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