Macchinetta has been released

2018/3/20 amended

When I inquired about the Thymeleaf version of the tutorial on GitHub, some sections were released in the JSP version. I received the answer. In addition to the tutorial, the part released in the JSP version is [Wiki] I summarized it in ( It seems that it will be supported in the next version and later, so if you want to make a Todo application with Thymeleaf, please wait patiently: smiley :!

That's why I revised the title.

Previous: I tried to make a Todo application using Macchinetta After: Macchinetta has been released

At the same time, I almost canceled the section of the sample application in this post.

What is Macchinetta?

Macchinetta Framework (Makinetta, hereinafter referred to as Macchinetta) is an application framework for developing Web systems announced by NTT on March 13, and is OSS GitHub. It is published on .io /). See the release article below for more details.

Release article: Contributing to the IT industry by releasing NTT's Java development framework that realizes efficient software development

Looking at the Framework Stack of the guideline, it seems that the combination of OSS centered on Spring It seems like.

Relationship with TERASOLUNA

Speaking of OSS combinations centered on Spring, NTT DATA provides TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) (Terasolna. I think of TERASOLUNA), but when I look at the dependencies of Macchinetta, it refers to the library provided by TERASOLUNA, so it seems that Macchinetta contains TERASOLUNA. (Looking at the stack, there seems to be no such thing as Macchinetta's own common library, at least in Server Framework). By the way, the version of TERASOLUNA used by Macchinetta is 5.4.1.RELEASE, which is newer than the publicly available 5.3.1.RELEASE ... If you think, 5.4.1.RELASE was released on 3/16: scream_cat :. By the way, as of 3/19, the guideline seems to be in Japanese only.

OSS stack

Comparing the stacks of Macchinetta and TERASOLUNA, Macchinetta does not support Jadira Usertype and JPA, which provide date manipulation. I used MyBatis3 in all the projects I've been involved with, but is JPA unpopular? Also, TERASOLUNA uses JSP & ʻApache Tiles for View, but MacchinettasupportsThymeleaf separately from JSP & ʻApache Tiles (the guideline also supports JSP & ʻApache Tiles version and Thymeleaf version are available).

By the way, the version of Spring IO platform that refers to both Macchinetta and TERASOLUNA is Brussels-SR5, but it is vulnerable to Spring Framework and Spring Security included in Brussels-SR5. CVE-2018-1199]( has been reported, so only Spring Framework and Spring Security Brussels -It is newer than the version specified by SR5.


TERASOLUNA provided Server Framework and batch functions, but Macchinetta added cloud extensions using Spring Cloud etc. and client side using jQuery etc. We provide a set of OSS libraries for development (the release article does not specifically mention the client, but what is its position: thinking :).

Sample application

I tried the Thymeleaf version of the tutorial because it was a big deal. Create with the Maven archetype as well as TERASOLUNA.

Command to create a blank project

mvn archetype:generate -B^

Note that blank projects also have JSP & ʻApache Tiles and Thymeleaf versions, as specified in ʻarchetypeArtifactId.

As I read it, I got stuck in creating the TODO input form for the application: disappointed_relieved :. Originally, create list.jsp under todo / src / main / webapp / WEB-INF / views / todo and [http: // localhost: 8080 / todo / todo / list](todo / list) When I access, the input form should be displayed, but for some reason I get an error. Looking at the exception log ... ~~

Caused by: Could not open ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/views/todo/list.html]
	at org.thymeleaf.spring4.templateresource.SpringResourceTemplateResource.reader(
	at org.thymeleaf.templateparser.markup.AbstractMarkupTemplateParser.parse(
	... 112 more

~~ There is no todo / list.html ……? : thinking: Actually, it was my first time to touch Thymeleaf, and I tried the tutorial without prior knowledge, but 4.1. Template engine (Thymeleaf) If you read .RELEASE / ja / ArchitectureInDetail / WebApplicationDetail / Thymeleaf.html), it says to implement the template HTML. I took the difference of the tutorial with the JSP & ʻApache Tiles` version as a trial ... ~~

<On Bash\ ``mvn archetype:generate``\To execute, as follows"\ ``^``\"To"\ ``\``\"You can replace it with and execute it.
>On Bash\ ``mvn archetype:generate``\To execute, as follows"\ ``^``\"To\ ``\``\You can replace it with and execute it.
<          -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-archetype\
>          -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-thymeleaf-archetype\
<      -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-archetype^
>      -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-thymeleaf-archetype^
<      -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-archetype^
>      -DarchetypeArtifactId=macchinetta-web-blank-thymeleaf-archetype^

~~ There is no difference other than the command ... Oh, I guess. Let's give an issue. The document of todo tutorial with Thymeleaf seems same as the one with JSP. I've reviewed the URL many times, so I shouldn't confuse the JSP version with the Thymeleaf version ... ~~

Unlike ~~ TERASOLUNA, Tutorial Code is not published, so it seems that we can not proceed any further. ~~

Arbitrary expectations

Regardless of whether you actually use Macchinetta or TERASOLUNA, I think these guidelines are very useful as a Japanese document about Spring. However, the speed of support is slow, and although 5.x has been released for the latest Spring, Macchinetta and TERASOLUNA still support 4.3 series. Since TERASOLUNA has been upgraded about once every six months, I think that Macchinetta and TERASOLUNA that support Spring 5.x will be released around this summer. ??

Background to the posting

Nobody wrote an article about Macchinetta on Qiita, so I made it a simple article to get one. However, to get 1 even with the issue of Macchinetta: cold_sweat :.

now! 1 Get it! !!
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