[PYTHON] [Note] Deprecation Warning of OpenPyXL get_sheet_names () and get_sheet_by_name ()


import openpyxl

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')
sheet_names = wb.get_sheet_names()

sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
value = sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value

A warning is displayed.

Call to deprecated function get_sheet_names

(Use wb.sheetnames).sheet_names = wb.get_sheet_names()```

#### **` Call to deprecated function get_sheet_by_name `**

(Use wb[sheetname]).sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet1')```

# solution
 Rewrite as follows according to *** Use *** of the warning text.

#### **`sheet_names = wb.sheetnames`**

```sheet = wb['sheet1']```

import openpyxl

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')
sheet_names = wb.sheetnames

sheet = wb['Sheet1']
value = sheet.cell(row=1, column=1).value


not recommended! This does not mean that it cannot be used. But if you get a warning, you'll want to fix it.

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[Note] Deprecation Warning of OpenPyXL get_sheet_names () and get_sheet_by_name ()
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