Project facet Java version 13 is not supported. How to deal with
--Windows10 Pro 64bit version 1903
- Eclipse Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)
- Tomcat 9.0.31
--Project Java 13.0.2
Event: I got angry when I selected a project while setting up Tomcat 9 in Eclipse
When Tomcat 9 was newly added ...

Cause: The JRE version of Tomcat 9 is different from the project
This time it was JRE11

Action: Align Tomcat 9 JRE to project
- Display the dialog from the [Runtime Environment Configuration ...] link
- Select [Tomcat9] and click the [Edit] button to display the dialog.
- Select Java 13 from JRE
- Change the [Name] to "Tomcat9 (Java13)" and close the dialog with the [Finish] button so that you do not make a mistake later.
- Close the dialog with the Apply and Close button
- [Next]> Add Project> [Done]