[PYTHON] First Anime Face Recognition with Chainer

I wanted to try deep learning, but with Caffe, I was frustrated without feeling like "writing", but chainer appeared, so I decided to give it a try.

Anyway, I'll try anime face recognition, which I've always wanted to do. Actually, I would like to try face detector + character classification by face, but first I aim to classify faces and others.

By the way, when it comes to face recognition in anime, there is a OpenCV + cascade detector, and it recognizes it quite nicely. But,

――In principle, you can't recognize anything other than the face from the front. ――It is not detected even if it is tilted a little.

Since there are problems such as, I would like to improve the detection accuracy somehow.

Step1: Test image preparation

I decided to prepare it myself, considering using it for other tasks as well. It takes about 20 hours. Poyo-n.


  1. Use OpenCV and lbpcascade_animeface to cut out a face from an anime frame.
  2. Except for the misrecognized image from there, put it in the correct answer set.
  3. Using OpenCV again, extract the frame where the face was not recognized.
  4. From the image in 3., search for the one that actually shows the face, cut out the target face, and add it to the correct answer set.
  5. Randomly crop the rest from the frame without the face and add it to the incorrect answer set.
  6. Rotate each image 90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees to multiply the data by a factor of four.
  7. Due to the design of the network, it was necessary to have the same input size, so converted to 64x64.

Training set

--110,525 (34,355 face data, 76,170 other images) --Angel Beats !, Kill Me Baby, Feast ... etc. ――I intended to select the one that seems to have a different pattern.

Validation set

―― 8,525 sheets (face data 3,045 sheets, other images 5,480 sheets) --Kin Mosa

I don't like the fact that the ratio of the training set and the validation set is not the same, but I will move on for the time being.

Image sample

--Face image



Step2: Create a learner



import chainer
import chainer.functions as F

class FrgNet64(chainer.FunctionSet):
   insize = 64

   def __init__(self):
      super(FrgNet64, self).__init__(
         conv1 = F.Convolution2D(3, 96, 5, pad=2),
         bn1   = F.BatchNormalization(96),
         conv2 = F.Convolution2D(96, 128, 5, pad=2),
         bn2   = F.BatchNormalization(128),
         conv3 = F.Convolution2D(128, 256, 3, pad=1),
         conv4 = F.Convolution2D(256, 384, 3, pad=1),
         fc5 = F.Linear(18816, 2048),
         fc6   = F.Linear(2048, 2),

   def forward_but_one(self, x_data, train=True):
      x = chainer.Variable(x_data, volatile=not train)

      h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x))), 5, stride=2)
      h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(h))), 5, stride=2)
      h = F.max_pooling_2d(F.relu(self.conv3(h)), 3, stride=2)
      h = F.leaky_relu(self.conv4(h), slope=0.2)
      h = F.dropout(F.leaky_relu(self.fc5(h), slope=0.2), train=train)
      return self.fc6(h)

   def calc_confidence(self, x_data):
      h = self.forward_but_one(x_data, train=False)
      return F.softmax(h)

   def forward(self, x_data, y_data, train=True):
      """ You must subtract the mean value from the data before. """
      y = chainer.Variable(y_data, volatile=not train)
      h = self.forward_but_one(x_data, train=train)
      return F.softmax_cross_entropy(h, y), F.accuracy(h, y)

Learning code


import numpy as np
import time
import six

from util import loader
from chainer import cuda, optimizers

class NetSet:
   def __init__(self, meanpath, model, gpu=-1):
      self.mean = loader.load_mean(meanpath)
      self.model = model
      self.gpu = gpu
      self.insize = model.insize
      if gpu >= 0:

   def calc_max_label(self, prob_arr):
      h, w = prob_arr.shape
      labels = [0] * h
      for i in six.moves.range(0, h):
         label = prob_arr[i].argmax()
         labels[i] = (label, prob_arr[i][label])
      return labels

   def forward_data_seq(self, dataset, batchsize):
      sum_loss = 0
      sum_accuracy = 0
      for i in range(0, len(dataset), batchsize):
         mini_dataset = dataset[i:i+batchsize]
         x_batch, y_batch = self.create_minibatch(mini_dataset)
         loss, acc = self.forward_minibatch(x_batch, y_batch)
         loss_data = loss.data
         acc_data = acc.data
         if self.gpu >= 0:
            loss_data = cuda.to_cpu(loss_data)
            acc_data = cuda.to_cpu(acc_data)
         sum_loss += float(loss_data) * len(mini_dataset)
         sum_accuracy += float(acc_data) * len(mini_dataset)
      return sum_loss, sum_accuracy

   def forward_minibatch(self, x_batch, y_batch, train=False):
      if self.gpu >= 0:
         x_batch = cuda.to_gpu(x_batch)
         y_batch = cuda.to_gpu(y_batch)
      return self.model.forward(x_batch, y_batch, train=False)

   def create_minibatch(self, dataset):
      minibatch = np.ndarray(
         (len(dataset), 3, self.insize, self.insize), dtype=np.float32)
      minibatch_label = np.ndarray((len(dataset),), dtype=np.int32)
      for idx, tuple in enumerate(dataset):
         path, label = tuple
         minibatch[idx] = loader.load_image(path, self.mean, False)
         minibatch_label[idx] = label
      return minibatch, minibatch_label

   def create_minibatch_random(self, dataset, batchsize):
      if dataset is None or len(dataset) == 0:
         return self.create_minibatch([])
      rs = np.random.random_integers(0, high=len(dataset) - 1, size=(batchsize,))
      minidataset = []
      for idx in rs:
      return self.create_minibatch(minidataset)


import numpy as np
import sys
import time
import six
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
from util import loader, visualizer
from chainer import cuda, optimizers
from network.manager import NetSet

class Trainer(NetSet):
   """ Network utility class """
   def __init__(self, trainlist, validlist, meanpath, model, 
                optimizer, weight_decay=0.0001, gpu=-1):
      super(Trainer, self).__init__(meanpath, model, gpu)
      self.trainset = loader.load_image_list(trainlist)
      self.validset = loader.load_image_list(validlist)
      self.optimizer = optimizer
      self.wd_rate = weight_decay
      if gpu >= 0:

   def train_random(self, batchsize, lr_decay=0.1, valid_interval=500, 
                    model_interval=10, log_interval=100, max_epoch=100):
      epoch_iter = 0
      if batchsize > 0:
         epoch_iter = len(self.trainset) // batchsize + 1
      begin_at = time.time()
      for epoch in six.moves.range(1, max_epoch + 1):
         print('epoch {} starts.'.format(epoch))
         train_duration = 0
         sum_loss = 0
         sum_accuracy = 0
         N = batchsize * log_interval
         for iter in six.moves.range(1, epoch_iter):
            iter_begin_at = time.time()
            x_batch, y_batch = self.create_minibatch_random(self.trainset, batchsize)
            loss, acc = self.forward_minibatch(x_batch, y_batch)
            train_duration += time.time() - iter_begin_at
            if epoch == 1 and iter == 1:
               visualizer.save_model_graph(loss, 'graph.dot')
               visualizer.save_model_graph(loss, 'graph.split.dot', remove_split=True)
               print('model graph is generated.')
            sum_loss += float(cuda.to_cpu(loss.data)) * batchsize
            sum_accuracy += float(cuda.to_cpu(acc.data)) * batchsize
            if iter % log_interval == 0:
               throughput = batchsize * iter / train_duration
               print('training: iteration={:d}, mean loss={:.8f}, accuracy rate={:.6f}, learning rate={:f}, weight decay={:f}'
                  .format(iter + (epoch - 1) * epoch_iter, sum_loss / N, sum_accuracy / N, self.optimizer.lr, self.wd_rate))
               print('epoch {}: passed time={}, throughput ({} images/sec)'
                  .format(epoch, train_duration, throughput))
               sum_loss = 0
               sum_accuracy = 0

            if iter % valid_interval == 0:
               N_test = len(self.validset)
               valid_begin_at = time.time()
               valid_sum_loss, valid_sum_accuracy = self.forward_data_seq(self.validset, batchsize, train=False)
               valid_duration = time.time() - valid_begin_at
               throughput = N_test / valid_duration
               print('validation: iteration={:d}, mean loss={:.8f}, accuracy rate={:.6f}'
                  .format(iter + (epoch - 1) * epoch_iter, valid_sum_loss / N_test, valid_sum_accuracy / N_test))
               print('validation time={}, throughput ({} images/sec)'
                  .format(valid_duration, throughput))

         self.optimizer.lr *= lr_decay
         self.wd_rate *= lr_decay
         if epoch % model_interval == 0:
            print('saving model...(epoch {})'.format(epoch))
            pickle.dump(self.model, open('model-' + str(epoch) + '.dump', 'wb'), -1)
      print('train finished, total duration={} sec.'
         .format(time.time() - begin_at))
      pickle.dump(self.model, open('model.dump', 'wb'), -1)

   def forward_data_seq(self, dataset, batchsize, train=True):
      sum_loss = 0
      sum_accuracy = 0
      for i in range(0, len(dataset), batchsize):
         mini_dataset = dataset[i:i+batchsize]
         x_batch, y_batch = self.create_minibatch(mini_dataset)
         loss, acc = self.forward_minibatch(x_batch, y_batch, train)
         loss_data = loss.data
         acc_data = acc.data
         if self.gpu >= 0:
            loss_data = cuda.to_cpu(loss_data)
            acc_data = cuda.to_cpu(acc_data)
         sum_loss += float(loss_data) * len(mini_dataset)
         sum_accuracy += float(acc_data) * len(mini_dataset)
      return sum_loss, sum_accuracy
   def forward_minibatch(self, x_batch, y_batch, train=True):
      if self.gpu >= 0:
         x_batch = cuda.to_gpu(x_batch)
         y_batch = cuda.to_gpu(y_batch)

      if train:

      loss, acc = self.model.forward(x_batch, y_batch, train)

      if train:
      return loss, acc


import os
import numpy as np
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle

from PIL import Image

### functions to load files, such as model.dump, images, and mean file.

def unpickle(filepath):
   return pickle.load(open(filepath, 'rb'))

def load_model(filepath):
   """ load trained model.
       If the model is trained on GPU, then you must initialize cuda-driver before.
   return unpickle(filepath)

def load_mean(filepath):
   """ load mean file
   return unpickle(filepath)

def load_image_list(filepath):
   """ load image-file list. Image-file list file consists of filepath and the label.
   tuples = []
   for line in open(filepath):
      pair = line.strip().split()
      if len(pair) == 0:
      elif len(pair) > 2:
         raise ValueError("list file format isn't correct: [filepath] [label]")
         tuples.append((pair[0], np.int32(pair[1])))
   return tuples

def image2array(img):
   return np.asarray(img).transpose(2, 0, 1).astype(np.float32)

def load_image(path, mean, flip=False):
   image = image2array(Image.open(path))
   image -= mean
   if flip:
      return image[:, :, ::-1]
      return image

Since main.py is messy, I will extract only the training part.


### a function for training.
def train(trainlist, validlist, meanpath, modelname, batchsize, max_epoch=100, gpu=-1):
   model = None
   if modelname == "frg64":
      model = FrgNet64()
   elif modelname == "frg128":
      model = FrgNet128()
   optimizer = optimizers.MomentumSGD(lr=0.001, momentum=0.9)
   trainer = batch.Trainer(trainlist, validlist, meanpath, model,
                           optimizer, 0.0001, gpu)

   trainer.train_random(batchsize, lr_decay=0.97, valid_interval=1000,
                        model_interval=5, log_interval=20, max_epoch=max_epoch)

Learning basically uses GPU, and because the image size is small, the CPU side is not written for multithreading.

Step3: Learning


Parameters Set value Remarks
learning rate 0.001 0 for every 1 epoch.Multiply 97
Mini batch size 10
Weight attenuation 0.0001 Every time epoch elapses, the coefficient λ becomes 0..Multiply 97
momentum 0.9 Default value of chainer

――I tried to lower the learning rate when the change in the error became flat, but I stopped it because the error for the validation set did not converge well. ――I tried the mini-batch size at 100 at first, but I made it smaller because the error between the training set and the validation set was large. ――The weight attenuation coefficient could have been fixed, but I was worried that the learning rate and the value would eventually reverse, so I am gradually reducing it.


Version etc.
Python Python 3.4.3


Time required

It took less than 3 hours in total and the training error was almost 0, so it ended with epoch 30. Image processing speed is approximately

--During training 560 sheets / sec --Validating 780 sheets / sec




From the middle, the recognition accuracy has almost converged, but the error for the validation set has increased slightly. Therefore, in the following experiments, we will use the model at the end of epoch 15, which has the smallest error.

This model had a recognition accuracy of 95.5% for the validation set. Below is an example of a failing case.

Misrecognition example

Cases that are mistakenly recognized as faces


It seems that some test data is defective (labeling mistake). ..

Case where the face cannot be recognized


There is some data that the face is not cut out neatly, but I feel that he is making a mistake in a dignified manner, so I am a little worried ...

Step4: Input actual data

Cut out the image in the Sliding Window and put it in the trained Network. If you simply cut it out, it will be a considerable number of sheets, so after reducing the width of the image to 512,

--Aspect ratio 1: 1 -(size, stride) has 3 patterns of (48, 16), (72, 24), (144, 48)

I cut it out with and resized it to the same size as 64x64 during training. (In the image at hand, there are 630 ways in total) (Corrected on August 8, 2015)

Also, if you can put it in the Network and extract the area that is a candidate for the face, sift the area based on IoU (Intersection over Union)> = 30%, and the output value (probability) of the Network is the maximum. I'm selecting one. (I don't know if the absolute value of this value is meaningful) IoU with areas other than the face is not considered in particular.


It is posted in comparison with the result of trying with OpenCV + lbpcascade_animeface. However, the results can change depending on the parameters, so I don't think it's necessarily a fair comparison. (The top is CNN and the bottom is the image detected by OpenCV) The average execution time was about 0.8 seconds for CNN (GPU) and about 0.35 seconds for OpenCV (CPU).

First of all, from the image that could be recognized by both OpenCV and this CNN. As expected, the position of anime face looks accurate. test-detection-0195-small.png test-detection-opencv-0195-small.png © Yui Hara / Houbunsha / Kiniro Mosaic Production Committee

Next is the image with a profile that I was aiming for this time. The position of the frame is delicate, but I can recognize the profile that was not taken by OpenCV. However, there is a strange frame between Alice and Shinobu. .. test-detection-0199-small.png test-detection-opencv-0199-small.png © Yui Hara / Houbunsha / Kiniro Mosaic Production Committee

Finally, test-detection-0222-small.png test-detection-opencv-0222.png © Koi / Houbunsha / Is the Order a Rabbit Committee?

Ah, the bin, the bin is detected. .. Of course, OpenCV detected it more accurately. sad


As a feeling, I feel that the number of cases that can be picked up is much higher than that of the OpenCV version, but at the same time, I got the impression that the rate of misrecognizing parts other than the face as a face has also increased. Based on that ...

What worked

  1. Proliferation of training data ――When I added rotation to the image and propagated the data, the convergence speed increased dramatically. After all, I realized that the amount of data is important.
  2. Mini batch size adjustment ――When I was updating the parameters by feeding 100 sheets at a time, the training error converged, but the validation error soon leveled off. However, when I reduced it to 10, the accuracy of validation increased by about 2pt, which gives the impression that it was effective as it was.

Improvement points, reflection, etc.

  1. Detector --Detection is a simple Sliding Window, so it takes a considerable amount of time. To avoid this, we limit the size of the cropped image, but in this case, the face that fills the screen cannot be detected. .. ――This time it's face detection, so I don't think it's a big problem, but the aspect ratio is fixed at 1: 1. ――I feel that I should have used position-labeled data from the beginning.

  2. Training data ――After all, I feel that the absolute amount was still small. --The incorrect data (quality) may not have been enough. I randomly cropped from an image without a face, but there were many images where the object itself was hardly reflected and the boundary of the object was not captured, so I think that it was still weak as data. .. The high false positive rate is probably due to its influence.


I wonder if I would like to make a detector with the data with the position label. With the current method, even if the accuracy comes out, the speed does not come out, so I would like to try around SPP-net.

Source code

Since the version of chainer has changed and it does not work, I uploaded the corrected code to Github. https://github.com/homuler/pyon2-detector/

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