Error when the member of Entity class used in SpringWebFlux is final

This is a completely personal memo. It's a good level on Twitter, but here to leave it.

When I somehow created the Entity class used in Spring Data MongoDB, I got an error. I get an error saying "Setter". If you try it with a Setter, it will certainly work. But why did you just find One and return it? ?? ??


This application has no configured error view, so you are seeing this as a fallback.

Mon Feb 18 06:27:46 JST 2019
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
No accessor to set property final java.lang.Integer!
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: No accessor to set property final java.lang.Integer!
	at com.example.demo.Flower_Accessor_jjo0e1.setProperty(Unknown Source)
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMapFuseable$MapFuseableSubscriber.onNext(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblySubscriber.onNext(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoNext$NextSubscriber.onNext(
	at com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.internal.ObservableToPublisher$1.onNext(

If you try changing the code a little or read the big error carefully ... Ah, if you make it final, it won't work at Convert. Understood by the atmosphere.

Even without the setter, it worked when I removed only the final. There are various things behind the scenes.

public class Flower {
	private Integer id;
	private String name;
	private String color;
		id = null;
		name = "";
		color = "";
	Flower(int id, String name, String color){ = id; = name;
		this.color = color;
	public Integer getId() {
	public String getName() {
	public String getColor() {
		return this.color;

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