Develop Nerves apps with Azure Container Instances

This article is the 7th day of "Docker Advent Calendar 2020". I filled it because it was open. The day before, @ c3drive's Building a container environment on AWS


-Nerves is -Elixir's IoT is now and young cool awesome guy: rocket: -You can enjoy IoT development with a programming language called Elixir. -Nerves requires various environment settings ――It's not so once you get used to it, but there are various traps to do for the first time. --So, @takasehideki-sensei said IoT # 4.1.2 with Elixir: [How to use] Docker (and VS Code) only! Improve Nerves development environment has been released. ――I want an acquaintance to try it right away! -Can't this container be run on Azure Container Instances at a group meeting called NervesJP? I heard a story like that, so I thought it was a good story.


# docker-elixir 1.11.2
FROM elixir:1.11.2


# Install libraries for Nerves development
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y build-essential automake autoconf git squashfs-tools ssh-askpass pkg-config curl openssh-server && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
RUN sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
COPY ./config_files/ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

# [Optional] Uncomment this section to install libraries for customizing Nerves System
#RUN apt-get update && \
#    apt-get install -y libssl-dev libncurses5-dev bc m4 unzip cmake python && \
#    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install fwup (
RUN wget${FWUP_VERSION}/fwup_${FWUP_VERSION}_amd64.deb && \
    apt-get install -y ./fwup_${FWUP_VERSION}_amd64.deb && \
    rm ./fwup_${FWUP_VERSION}_amd64.deb && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Install hex and rebar
RUN mix local.hex --force
RUN mix local.rebar --force
# Install Mix environment for Nerves
RUN mix archive.install hex nerves_bootstrap 1.10.0 --force

CMD ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]

-Enabled ssh connection based on --For the ssh connection, I referred to @ kuboshu83's [Introduction to Docker] Setting memo for accessing the container with ssh.

$ mkdir config_files
$ cp ~/.ssh/ config_files/
$ docker build -t docker-nerves .

――After creating the image, the rest of the procedure is as follows ―― 1. Register the image in Azure Container Registry --2. Set Azure Container Instances to use the custom image. ―― 3. Connect with ssh and develop Nerves application ――Hereafter, we will take a closer look.

1. Register the image in Azure Container Registry

--Quick Start: Create an Azure Container Registry Using the Azure Portal ( -: Point_up :: point_up_tone :: point_up_tone2 :: point_up_tone3 :: point_up_tone4 :: point_up_tone5: You should do as it is written here. ――I didn't use any Azure CLI to push images --There is a page called "Quick Start" on the console of Azure Container Registry, so you can refer to it. --First, go to the page called "Access Keys" and enable the admin user --Use the username and password written there with docker login

$ docker login
$ docker tag docker-nerves
$ docker push

--xxx is the name (value) you decided when you created Azure Container Registry.

2. Set Azure Container Instances ( to use that custom image

スクリーンショット 2020-12-16 0.02.11.png

-Quick Start: Deploy a container instance in Azure using the Azure portal --The network should be public and port 22 should be open. --That's all you need to set, and then Next`` Next --The container will start up after a while, so remember the assigned IP address. --Hereafter, assume that it is --This container was deleted after writing the article

3. Connect with ssh and develop Nerves app

$ ssh [email protected]

: point_up :: point_up_tone :: point_up_tone2 :: point_up_tone3 :: point_up_tone4 :: point_up_tone5: Enter the container

Operation in a container

$ cd ~/.ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
$ cd
$ mix hello_nerves
$ cd hello_nerves
$ export MIX_TARGET=rpi4
$ mix deps.get
$ mix firmware

So, the firmware is safely in the container You can create /root/hello_nerves/_build/rpi4_dev/nerves/images/hello_nerves.fw: fire :: fire :: fire:

For other than Raspberry Pi 4, select a value from Targets.

Return to the development machine

$ scp [email protected]:/root/hello_nerves/_build/rpi4_dev/nerves/images/hello_nerves.fw .

--Bring firmware from a container in the cloud --Insert the microSD card into the development machine

$ fwup hello_nerves.fw

--Oh, I didn't explain how to install fwup. .. .. ――There --Install fwup :gift::gift::gift: --Nothing was done in this article where you mentioned that you wanted to mix upload (that is, ssh) from a cloud container to a Raspberry Pi.


--When you execute the mix command

warning: the VM is running with native name encoding of latin1 which may cause Elixir to malfunction as it expects utf8. Please ensure your locale is set to UTF-8 (which can be verified by running "locale" in your shell)

There was a little warning.

What can you make with Nerves?

--You can make various things: rocket :: rocket :: rocket: --Introducing a simple example ――This is miso in the foreground -Nerves alarm created with Raspberry Pi 4 + Grove Base HAT for Raspberry Pi + Grove Buzzer + Grove Button


Bonus 2 How do you edit the .ex in the container?

-You can go with Visual Studio Code -Please refer to Remote Development using SSH ――You can proceed with development as if you were editing a local file like this.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-16 8.42.39.png

Wrapping Up :christmas_tree::santa::santa_tone1::santa_tone2::santa_tone3::santa_tone4::santa_tone5::christmas_tree: --There may be a smarter way to deal with @ takasehideki's Dockerfile as it is without rewriting. --I want to mix upload (that is, ssh) from a cloud container to a Raspberry Pi! ?? I haven't stepped into a story like that

Tomorrow is @ kosuketakei's A programmer from a liberal arts background who has no work experience tried using Docker. Please continue to enjoy.

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