[Linux setting series] Prompt setting of bash. / prompt / bash / shell

[Linux setting series] bash prompt setting


--The side of your personal memo is strong ...


vi ~/.bashrc


#Add the following
PS1="\e[32m--------------------------[USR:\u / HST:\h /DIR:\W] \n$ \e[0m "


prompt meaning
\e[32m Change color to green
\u Show current user
\h The first "host name".Display the part up to
\t The current time is 24 hours "HH":MM:Display in "SS" format
\n new line
\e[0m Change color to white

Other special characters

--Refer to the HP on the left: https://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/rensai/linuxtips/002cngprmpt.html

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