[python] Permutation generation considering the same elements

Generating permutations containing the same elements

With itertools.permutations, extra is generated when the same element is used. It is used when handling the same numbers, the same letters, the same order, etc. I introduced it earlier in How to use the generator, but I introduced it alone because it was difficult for me to find it. github source: permutation.py


def permutations(iterable, permutation=[]):
    if not iterable: 
        yield permutation
    for i in [iterable.index(i) for i in set(iterable)]:
        yield from permutations(iterable[:i] + iterable[i+1:], permutation + [iterable[i]])

Is yield from recursive? In addition, it returns the yield from a distance. I set it every time to prevent duplication of the same element.

It seems to be a little slow to stick with slices, so please tell me if there is a good way.

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