Since it will be long, you can draw the diagram only with the class diagram and the sequence diagram.
--A type of DSL that allows you to write UML diagrams in text (probably) --The body is written in Java and you can drop a single jar file and run it from the command line - plantuml/plantuml: Generate UML diagram from textual description ――However, when you actually use it, I think that it is often executed by inserting a plug-in such as Visual Studio Code. --License is GPL v3 - plantuml/license.txt at master · plantuml/plantuml
The OS is Windows 10.
> java --version
openjdk 11.0.6 2020-01-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.6+10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK (build 11.0.6+10, mixed mode)
The installation method is omitted.
Drop plantuml.jar
from here.
At the time of confirmation, it was plantuml.1.2020.7.jar
It looks like the software used to draw the figure. Graphviz - Wikipedia
It is necessary if you want to generate a diagram other than the sequence diagram and activity diagram ** **, so it is practically required.
I dropped 2.38
When you run PlantUML, you need to specify the location of dot.exe
in Graphviz.
The designation method is one of the following (arranged in order of priority to be adopted).
If the folder where Graphviz is installed is C: \ Graphviz
, specify it as follows.
-When specified with the graphvizdot option
> java -jar plantuml.jar -graphvizdot C:\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe ...
When specified in the system properties
> java -DGRAPHVIZ_DOT=C:\Graphviz\bin\dot.exe -jar plantuml.jar ...
When specified by an environment variable
If you use the following plugins, set the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT
before running VSCode.
PlantUML PlantUML - Visual Studio Marketplace
--Plug-in for writing PlantUML in VSCode
-Preview is displayed with ʻAlt +
d --If there are multiple
@startuml ... @ enduml`s, the diagram of where the cursor is currently located will be previewed.
Markdown Preview Enhanced Markdown Preview Enhanced - Visual Studio Marketplace
--A plugin that allows you to preview PlantUML in Markdown
--Preview is displayed with Ctrl
+ k
, v
Hello World
Hello <|-- World
--Create a text file and describe the contents as ↑
--Is it customary for the file extension to be pu
> java -jar plantuml.jar hello.pu
--Specify the created text file as an argument and execute
--Then, a file called hello.png
will be output in the same location as the file specified by the argument.
> dir /b
> java -jar plantuml.jar hoge.pu fuga.pu piyo.pu
> dir /b
--Can be executed by specifying the file path as an argument --Multiple files can be specified --A png file with the same name as the file name will be generated in the same location as the file
Folder structure
--Three files are placed directly under the hoge
――The contents of each are as follows
class PlantUml
class Markdown
* @startuml
* class JavaSource {
* - String message
* }
* @enduml
public class JavaSource {}
--There is a fuga
directory under the hoge
folder, and the fuga.pu
file is located under it.
class Fuga
> java -jar plantuml.jar hoge
After execution
and JavaSource.png
have been generated
--If you specify a folder and execute it, the files that exist directly under that folder will be automatically read.
--Files with the following extensions are targeted for reading
- .c
- .h
- .cpp
- .txt
- .pu
- .tex
- .html
- .htm
- .java
--If you find a part of these files that starts with @startuml
and ends with @enduml
, it will generate an image from that part.
--With the same configuration as ↑, next execute the command as follows
> java -jar plantuml.jar "hoge/**"
--The part where the folder is specified is set to " hoge / ** "
Execution result
and fuga.png
are also generated
--The following wildcards can be used to specify the target
Any character string
Any single character
Any subdirectory
> java -jar plantuml -x "**/*.pu" "hoge/**"
Execution result
--Only files with the extension pu
png files have not been generated
--Exclusion target can be specified with -x
> java -jar plantuml.jar -charset UTF-8 hello.pu
--Character code is specified by -charset
> type plantuml | java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe > result.png
--If you specify the -pipe
option, it will read from the standard input, so you can pipe.
--The result is written to the standard output, so you can redirect it to an appropriate file.
class Hoge
class Fuga
class Piyo
--When there are multiple @startuml ... @ enduml
descriptions in one file
> java -jar plantuml.jar hoge.pu
Execution result
> dir /b
--The first figure is generated with filename.png
--The rest of the figures are generated with the serial number of filename_XXX.png
--I haven't tried what happens if there are more than 1000
@startuml hoge
class Hoge
@startuml fuga
class Fuga
@startuml piyo
class Piyo
--The name is written after each @startuml
> java -jar plantuml.jar hoge.pu
Execution result
> dir /b
--You can specify the file name for each figure by using @startuml name
> java -jar plantuml.jar -h
--Help can be displayed with -h
or -help
@startuml no-scale
'This is a comment
Hello <|-- World
--Single quotes ('
) followed by comments
title Hello Title
Hello <|-- World
--You can set the title of the figure by writing title title
end title
Hello <|-- World
--You can write a multi-line title by enclosing it in title
and ʻend title`.
* __Hello__
* **World**
end title
Hello <|-- World
--You can use the markup language Creole -Click here for an example of Creole description
caption Figure 1
Hello <|-- World
--You can set the caption of the figure with caption
header Hello
Hello <|-- World
footer World
--You can specify the header and footer with header header comment
, footer footer comment
--By default, the header is right-justified and the footer is centered.
-Can be described in Creole
left header Hello
Hello <|-- World
right footer World
--The position can be adjusted by putting left
, center
, right
before header
, footer
end header
Hello <|-- World
end footer
--By enclosing it in header ... end header
, footer ... end footer
, it can be described in multiple lines.
Hello World
end legend
Hello <|-- World
class FizzBuzz
--You can insert a legend with legend ... end legend
--By default, it is placed at the bottom center
--You can specify the top and bottom positions (top
, bottom
) and the left and right positions (left
, center
, right
) after the legend
@startuml right
legend right
end legend
Hello <|-- World
class FizzBuzz
--If you specify only the left and right positions, the top and bottom positions will be the default bottom
@startuml top
legend top
end legend
Hello <|-- World
class FizzBuzz
--If you specify only the top and bottom positions, the left and right positions will default to center
@startuml top-left
legend top left
Top Left
end legend
Hello <|-- World
class FizzBuzz
--If both are specified, they will be displayed at the specified position.
--At this time, if you reverse the vertical and horizontal position specifications like legend left top
, an error will occur.
--Be sure to specify in the order of top and bottom position → left and right position
@startuml no-scale
Hello <|-- World
@startuml scale-1.5
scale 1.5
Hello <|-- World
@startuml scale-0.5
scale 0.5
Hello <|-- World
--You can specify the enlargement ratio of the figure by writing scale enlargement ratio
Creole --One of the wiki description languages --You can use this notation in titles and notes
note left
=Heading 1
==Heading 2
===Heading 3
--Unnumbered list--
*Listing 1
*Listing 2
**Listing 2-1
*Listing 3
#Numbered list 1
#Numbered list 2
##Numbered list 2-1
#Numbered list 3
* **Bold**
* //italic//
* ""Monospaced font(monospace)""
* --Strikethrough--
* __Underline__
|= |= Column1 |= Column2 |
|1 |Value1-1 |Value1-2 |
|2 |Value2-1 |Value2-2 |
* <color:red>Color name specification</color>
* <color:#00FF00>Color code specification</color>
* <back:skyblue>Background color</back>
* <size:18>font size</size>
* <b>Bold</b>
--Tree structure--
* <U+20BB7>
* **This will be bold**
* ~**This doesn't get bold**
--Insert the title--
==Insert the title==
..Insert the title..
end note
skinparam DefaultFontName Meiryo
Good morning<|--world
--You can specify the default font by writing skinparam DefaultFontName font name
can specify various skin settings in the formatskinparam <key> <value>
is the key to specify the default font
--It is also possible to specify a font for each specific element, such as CaptionFontName
or ClassFontName
--You can check the list of values that can be specified for <key>
with the following command.
> java -jar plantuml.jar -language
class Hello
class World
--You can declare a class by writing class <type name>
interface Hello
interface World
--You can declare an interface by writing ʻinterface
abstract class Hello
--You can declare an abstract class by setting ʻabstract class
enum HelloWorld {
--You can declare an enum with ʻenum --Continued by writing curly braces
{...}` and declaring constants in it
Hello -- World
--By writing <type name> <line representing association> <type name>
, you can describe the association between types.
can only describe simple associations
--Can be used with types not declared with class <type name>
--It is also possible to describe it together with the declaration
class One
One --> Two
Three <-- Four
Five <--> Six
Seven x-- Eight
Nine --x Ten
--The inducibility can be expressed by <
, >
, x
One ..> Two
Three <.. Four
--Dependencies can be expressed with ..>
and <..
One --|> Two
Three <|-- Four
, --|>
Can express generalization with@startuml
One ..|> Two
Three <|.. Four
, <|..
Can express the realization@startuml
One --o Two
Three o-- Four
--You can express aggregation with --o
, ʻo--`
One --* Two
Three *-- Four
--Composition can be expressed by -*
, *-
One -- Two : Hoge
Three -- Four : Fuga >
Five -- Six : < Piyo
--If you put :
after the relation, you can write the relation name after it.
--By putting <
, >
before and after the related name, you can express the direction of the related.
One "Foo" -- Two
Three -- "Bar" Four
Five "1" -- "1..*" Six
Seven "1 Fizz" -- "~* Buzz" Eight
--You can describe the role name or multiplicity by writing a string enclosed in double quotation marks ("
) between the type name and the associated line.
--The description is not divided for role name and multiplicity, and it seems that you have to describe both by making good use of this notation.
- multiplicity and role name for both ends of an association - PlantUML Q&A
--In addition, if you start with an asterisk (*
) like * Buzz
, it will be treated as a list of Creole notation, so you need to escape with~
class Hello {
one: String
three(param1: String, param2: int): boolean
String two
int four(List<String> param)
--Fields and methods can be declared inside class <type name>
followed by curly braces ({...}
--Can be written not only in the formal description as UML (field name: type name
) but also in Java-like writing (type name field name
――It seems that you can write anything, but I think it is safe to use the official UML notation.
--Fields and methods are automatically determined and nicely drawn in each part of the class diagram
――It is not necessary to mix them, and it is safer to write them separately.
class Hello {
- privateField: int
# protectedField: int
~ packagePrivateField: int
+ publicField: int
- privateMethod(): void
# protectedMethod(): void
~ packagePrivateMethod(): void
+ publicMethod(): void
--If visibility is described in UML notation, a dedicated icon will be displayed. --On the contrary, if it is difficult to understand, you can turn off the icon display as follows.
skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
class Hello {
- privateField: int
# protectedField: int
~ packagePrivateField: int
+ publicField: int
- privateMethod(): void
# protectedMethod(): void
~ packagePrivateMethod(): void
+ publicMethod(): void
--When skinparam classAttributeIconSize 0
is set, the visibility icon display disappears.
class Hello {
{abstract} one: int
{abstract} two(): int
--You can make it an abstract member by prefixing the member with {abstract}
class Hello {
{static} ONE: int
{static} two(): int
--You can make it a static member by prepending {static}
to the member.
class Hello <<Hoge>>
class World <<Fuga>> {
message: String
--You can describe the stereotype by writing << stereotype >>
after the model name.
class Hello<H>
class World<W> <<Hoge>>
--The template can be expressed by writing <name>
immediately after the type name.
--Can be used in combination with stereotypes
interface One
interface Two
interface Three extends Two
interface Four
class Five implements One, Three
class Six extends Five implements Four {
field: String
method(): void
--You can write it like Java code by using ʻextends and ʻimplements
――This progresses
package one.two {
class Hello
package three.four {
World -- Hello
--A package can be expressed by writing package <name> {...}
--Classes and relationships can be described in curly braces
When the order of package declaration is reversed
package three.four {
World -- Hello
package one.two {
class Hello
--The Hello
class is supposed to be declared in the ʻone.two package, but it is included in the earlier
three.four` package.
――It seems that you have declared it in the package that first appeared by looking at it in order from the top.
class Fizz
note left: fizz
class Buzz
note right: buzz
class Foo
note top: foo
class Bar
note bottom: bar
-Behind the declaration of class etc.note <top|bottom|left|right>: <comment>
By writing, you can write a note for the immediately preceding element.
-Can be described in Creole
Fizz -- Buzz
note left of Fizz: fizz
note right of Buzz: buzz
--note <position> of <target>: By writing <comment>
, you can add a note to the element specified by<target>
Fizz -- Buzz
note on link: fizz-buzz
note left: buzz
--You can add a note to the association by writing note on link: <comment>
after describing the association between types.
note "Hello World" as n1
Hello -- n1
World .. n1
note "Fizz Buzz" as n2
--You can assign any name to the note by writing note" <comment> "as <name>
--You can use the assigned name to associate your favorite elements with notes.
-Draw a line in the same way as writing a relationship between types
--With this notation, you can write a single note.
class Hello
note left
end note
Fizz -- Buzz
note on link
end note
note left of Fizz
end note
note as n1
end note
--The notation of each note can be written in multiple lines by ending it with ʻend note`.
Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob --> Alice: Hi
Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
Bob --> Alice: No! This is an apple!!
--The sequence diagram is basically described as <element> <message> <element>: <message name>
becomes a synchronous message with ->
makes the line dotted and can be used in response messages
Alice ->> Bob: Hi
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen?
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen??
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen???
Alice ->> Bob: Is this a pen????
Bob -> Alice: This is an apple!!!
--Asynchronous messages can be expressed by writing ->>
participant Alice
participant Bob
participant Carol
Carol -> Bob: Is the tip included?
Bob -> Alice:Will you be able to exceed Teppen someday?
--If you do nothing, the lifelines will be arranged from the left in the order they appear from the top.
--If you want to specify the order of lifelines, define a separate order in the form of paritcipant <lifeline name>
actor Actor
boundary Boundary
control Control
entity Entity
database Database
collections Collections
--You can use the icon according to the role by specifying a specific keyword instead of participant
Aclie -> Aclie:Don't run away
Aclie -> Aclie:Don't run away
Aclie -> Aclie:Don't run away
Aclie -> Aclie:Don't run away
Aclie -> Aclie:Don't run away
--You can also send a message to yourself
Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob -> Carol: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
Bob -> Dave: Hi
--By writing ʻautonumber` before the message, you can automatically number the subsequent messages.
autonumber 3
Alice -> Bob: Hi
Bob -> Carol: Hi
autonumber 2 3
Carol -> Dave: Hi
Bob -> Dave: Hi
--You can specify the start number and increment as ʻautonumber
Alice -> Bob: Hi
autonumber stop
Bob -> Carol: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
autonumber resume
Bob -> Dave: Hi
Carol -> Dave: Hi
--You can stop automatic numbering with ʻautonumber stop --ʻAutonumber resume
allows you to resume automatic numbering from where it left off.
Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
alt yes
Alice <-- Bob: Yes! This is a pen!!
else no
Alice <-- Bob: Noooooooo! This is an apple!!!!!
--Messages can be grouped by using specific keywords
--The following reserved keywords can be used
- alt
- opt
- loop
- par
- break
- critical
--Any character string can be written after the keyword (branch conditions etc. can be written)
――Indentation is not necessary, but I think it is easier to see if you do
--Groups can be nested as follows
When nested
Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
alt yes
Alice <-- Bob: Yes! This is a pen!!
else no
Alice <-- Bob: Noooooooo! This is an apple!!!!!
loop ∞
Alice -> Bob: Oh sorry! By the way, is this a pen?
Alice <-- Bob: Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!
group copy
Alice -> Bob: Is this a pen?
Alice <-- Bob: No! This is an apple!!
--You can write a group with any name by setting group <name>
--In this case, it is not possible to describe the conditions that correspond to the conditions applied by ʻalt` etc.
activate Alice
Alice -> Bob
activate Bob
Bob -> Carol
activate Carol
Bob <-- Carol
deactivate Carol
Alice <-- Bob
deactivate Bob
--ʻActivate can express the execution specification of the lifeline with the specified name. --must be explicitly deactivated with
activate Alice
Alice -> Bob
activate Bob
Bob -> Bob
activate Bob
Bob -> Carol
activate Carol
Bob <-- Carol
deactivate Carol
Alice <-- Bob
deactivate Bob
--Execution specifications can be nested
Alice -> Bob
create Carol
Bob -> Carol: new
Bob -> Carol
Bob <-- Carol
Alice <-- Bob
--By writing create <name>
, you can create a lifeline with the specified name from the middle.
Alice -> Bob
ref over Bob, Carol:See over there
Alice <-- Bob
ref over Alice
Over there
end ref
--You can describe the reference by writing ref over <object to be enclosed in the reference>: <description>
-You can specify multiple lifeline names separated by commas for the target enclosed in the reference.
--It is also possible to describe in multiple lines by setting ref over ... end ref
== Foo ==
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
== Bar ==
Bob -> Carol
Bob <-- Carol
--You can describe the border by writing == <name> ==
[-> Alice: Hello
Alice ->]: Hello
--By using [
, ]
instead of the lifeline name, you can write a message from the outside (to).
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
Alice -> Bob
Alice <-- Bob
-Between messages|||
You can leave a little space by sandwiching
Alice -> Bob
note left: Hello
Alice <-- Bob
note right: World
Alice -> Alice
note left
end note
--You can add a note immediately after the message with either note left
or note right
and bottom
cannot be used (if used, they will be interpreted as a class diagram)
--It is possible to write in multiple lines by setting note <left | right> ... end note
-Can be described in Creole
--You must specify the location of Graphviz's dot.exe
, just as you would when running it from the command line.
--There are no command line options, so you can set them in system properties or environment variables.
plugins {
id "application"
sourceCompatibility = 11
targetCompatibility = 11
compileJava.options.encoding = "UTF-8"
mainClassName = "sandbox.plantuml.Main"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation "net.sourceforge.plantuml:plantuml:8059"
-Add net.sourceforge.plantuml: plantuml to the dependency
package sandbox.plantuml;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceStringReader;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source = "@startuml\n"
+ "Foo <-- Bar\n"
+ "@enduml";
final SourceStringReader reader = new SourceStringReader(source);
reader.generateImage(new File("result.png "));
--You can use SourceStringReader
to read the source of String
and generate an image.
--You can output the result to the specified file with a method such as generateImage (File)
--If there are multiple @startuml ... @ enduml
s, only the first image will be generated
Execution result
> gradle run
--Note that the environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT
must be set as it is when running from the command line.
package sandbox.plantuml;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceStringReader;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String source = "@startuml FooBar\n"
+ "Foo <-- Bar\n"
+ "@enduml\n"
+ "\n"
+ "@startuml FizzBuzz\n"
+ "Fizz <-- Buzz\n"
+ "@enduml";
final SourceStringReader reader = new SourceStringReader(source);
try (
OutputStream fooBar = new FileOutputStream("foobar.png ");
OutputStream fizzBuzz = new FileOutputStream("fizzbuzz.png ");
) {
reader.generateImage(fooBar, 0);
reader.generateImage(fizzBuzz, 1);
--You can use generateImage (OutputStream, int)
to generate the image with the specified number.
--Image numbers start with 0 and are in order from the top
Folder structure
--Add source.pu
@startuml FooBar
Foo <-- Bar
@startuml FizzBuzz
Fizz <-- Buzz
--Defining two figures
package sandbox.plantuml;
import net.sourceforge.plantuml.SourceFileReader;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final SourceFileReader reader = new SourceFileReader(new File("source.pu"));
--Reading the source file with SourceFileReader
--When you execute getGeneratedImages ()
, images are generated.
Execution result
> gradle run
Folder structure
--The image is output to the folder where the source file exists, just like when executed from the command line.
--getGeneratedImage ()
returns a List
of a File
object that represents the generated image file.
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