Think about the analysis environment (Part 3: Install pyenv + Anaconda [Python, R] + jupyter + Rstudio)


-Continued from Thinking about analysis environment (Part 2: Building a virtual environment with VirtualBox + vagrant) --Description on the premise of installation using vagrant in VirtualBox environment

Flow of analysis environment construction

――We will build a virtual environment according to the following flow

No. Contents
1 Overall picture
2 Build a virtual environment with VirtualBox + vagrant
3 pyenv+Anaconda[Python、R]+ jupyter + Rstudio installation
4 postgreSQL+Install Pgadmin 4


--Host OS: Windows7 (64bit) --Guest OS: Ubuntu14.04 (64bit)

Install software

Target software

Installation method

--Provision with Vagrant

Precautions when writing SHELL for provisioning with Vagrant * I was messed up

When provisioned with Vagrant, it is running as root by default

--Can be turned off with "privileged: false" --Of course, if you turn on root execution, your home directory will be "/ root".

"Source" command cannot be executed in "#! / Bin / sh" of Ubuntu

--The actual state of the Ubuntu shell is a shell called Dash, and Dash does not have a "source" command. --Use "." Instead of "source" * Reference: Ubuntu wiki --If you specify the interprinter as "#! / Bin / bash", you can use the "source" command.

"Source ~ / .bashrc" is not possible

--Vagrant-shell running on Vagrant is non-interactive and you can't reread bashrc while the shell is running

Provisioning script

Initial setting command when installing the OS

--Search on the net and install what you think you need


#Update package list
apt-get update

#Update installed packages
apt-get upgrade

#install vim
apt-get install -y vim

#install git
apt-get install -y git

#Install development tools such as gcc
apt-get install -y build-essential

#openssl install
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

#jupyter autostart settings(Use Upstart)
echo -e '
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
expect fork
# run the server
exec `su vagrant -c "/home/vagrant/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.2.0/bin/jupyter-notebook"`
' > /etc/init/jupyter-notebook.conf

#pgadmin4 automatic start setting
sed -i -e '13s/^/\nsu - vagrant -c \"python \/home\/vagrant\/.pyenv\/versions\/anaconda3-4.2.0\/lib\/python3.5\/site-packages\/pgadmin4\/\"\n/g' /etc/rc.local

Installation of Anaconda

--Install Python and R using Anaconda --Use pyenv to install Anaconda --Use conda for package management and virtual environment management --jupyter-notebook is set to start automatically when the guest OS starts using Upstart

conda command memo

Description command
Check version conda --version
update conda update conda
Virtual environment list conda info -e
Enter the virtual environment source activate [env name]
Leave the virtual environment source deactivate [env name]
Delete virtual environment conda remove [env name]
Create a virtual environment conda create -n [env name] [program name]
Create a virtual environment(Version specification) conda create -n [env name] python=x.x [program name]
Install package conda install -n [env name] [pkg name1] [pkg name2]
Make a clone conda create -n [env newname] --clone [env name]
Create an R environment(global) conda install -c r [program name]
Create an R environment(Virtual) conda install -n [env name] -c r [program name]
Install R package("R" in the prefix of the usual R package name-」) conda create -c r [pkg name]
Find a package conda search [pkg name]


# =====================
#pyenv installation
# =====================
git clone /home/vagrant/.pyenv
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="/home/vagrant/.pyenv"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
source /home/vagrant/.profile

#Check the version of Anaconda
# pyenv install -l | grep anaconda2
# pyenv install -l | grep anaconda3

# =====================
#Install Anaconda
# =====================
pyenv install anaconda3-4.2.0
pyenv rehash
pyenv global anaconda3-4.2.0

#Anaconda pass settings
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/versions/anaconda3-4.2.0/bin/:$PATH"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
source /home/vagrant/.profile

# =====================
#Create a python virtual environment with conda
# =====================
conda create -n py27 python=2.7 anaconda

#Setting the python path for the virtual environment
#For python2
echo 'alias py2="source $PYENV_ROOT/versions/anaconda3-4.2.0/bin/activate py27"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
#For returning to python3
echo 'alias py3="source $PYENV_ROOT/versions/anaconda3-4.2.0/bin/deactivate"' >> /home/vagrant/.profile
source /home/vagrant/.profile

# =====================
#jupyter settings
# =====================
#Create jupyter config file
jupyter notebook --generate-config

#Create working directory
mkdir /home/vagrant/jupyter

#Package that reflects virtual environment in jupyter
pip install environment_kernels

#Change configuration file
echo "c = get_config()" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/
echo "c.NotebookApp.ip = '*'" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/
echo "c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/
echo "c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/home/vagrant/jupyter'" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/
echo "c.NotebookApp.kernel_spec_manager_class = 'environment_kernels.EnvironmentKernelSpecManager'" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/
echo "c.EnvironmentKernelSpecManager.env_dirs=['/home/vagrant/.pyenv/versions/anaconda3-4.2.0/envs/']" >> /home/vagrant/.jupyter/

# =====================
#Create an R environment with conda
# =====================
#Install R (minimum library)
#conda install -c r r
#Install R (library required for data science)
conda install -c r r-essentials

#Create working folder
mkdir /home/vagrant/R

#Change the initial setting of the working directory ("."R profile" is a file that is read when R starts up)
echo "setwd('/home/vagrant/R')" >> /home/vagrant/.Rprofile

# download.file.Change method to wget * If you do not do this, you will not be able to access the Internet on Rstudio(install.packages etc.)
echo "options('download.file.method'='wget')" >> /home/vagrant/.Rprofile

#Required to display plotly using R in jupyter
conda install -y nbconvert
sudo apt-get install -y pandoc

#R path setting
sudo ln -s $(which R) /usr/bin/R

Rstudio Server installation

-In the case of Rstudio official, "gdebi" is used, but since it could not be executed well with Vagrant-shell, "dpkg" was used. use --Rstudio Server is automatically started when the guest OS starts with the default settings.


# rstudio-server installation
sudo dpkg -i rstudio-server-1.0.136-amd64.deb
rm rstudio-server-1.0.136-amd64.deb

Check connection

** * You need to be able to restart the guest OS to connect **

juypter --Enter the address below to display the screen URL:


Rstudio server --Enter the address below to display the screen URL:


--Enter the following account to log in

Username Password
vagrant vagrant


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