[PYTHON] If you try to start the jupyter notebook installed with pip and it says "command not found", it seems that you can go through the PATH.


Continuation of the previous installation (https://qiita.com/midonon/items/d15385387a04dc7c6007)

jupyter notebook does not start

I found an interesting course on udemy, and when I tried to start jupyter notebook according to the instructions in the video, I was told -bash: jupyter: command not found.

When I checked with echo $ PATH, the path is as follows

And when I checked the location of jupyter with pip3 show jupyter, it was /Library/Python/3.7/site-packages, so it seems that the path does not pass.

I did the following with reference to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45495753/jupyter-not-found-after-pip-install-jupyter that came out by googled "-bash: jupyter: command not found" I was able to go safely.

Pass through

cd ~ ls -la Look at the list of home directories in and make sure the .bash_profile file is missing. Create a new .bash_profile with touch .bash_profile and open .bash_profile with TextEdit with ʻopen ~ / .bash_profile. Add ʻe export PATH = "$ HOME / Library / Python / 3.7 / bin: $ PATH" to the contents.

After that, reopen the terminal and check that the target path is passed with ʻecho $ PATH, and then set it to jupyter notebook` and it will start up safely. Finally start the course ...

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