[Question] Python string replacement.replace () will replace even the ones that are not specified.

This is the first post. Thank you.

I'm trying to scrape my own site. Data fetched

<div class="st-kaiwa-hukidashi">Target character string</div>
<div class="st-kaiwa-hukidashi2">Target character string</div>

I want to keep only the "target character string" of.


for num in ["", "2"]:
    kaiwa = "div.st-kaiwa-hukidashi{}" .format(num)
    talk = soup.select(kaiwa)
    for s in talk :
        trash = "<div class={}>".format(kaiwa)
        t = s.text.replace("trash" , '')

When I executed, I was able to extract only the "target character string" cleanly.

In this code,

<div class="st-kaiwa-hukidashi">
<div class="st-kaiwa-hukidashi2">

I was planning to remove only


It looks like it has been replaced.

I'm sorry to ask you a rudimentary question, but I would like you to teach me why __ Why is it replaced with'' to </ div> __.

Thank you.

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