[PYTHON] ■ How to execute "TensorFlow CNN for fast style transfer" which comes from GitHub by using Google Colaboratry

Introduction GitHub:TensorFlow CNN for fast style transfer instructs how to use Tensorflow, and shows example of picture style change below.

Before image.png

After applied wave.ckpt image.png

Setup of Google Colaboratory Environment First, we need to mount on Google Drive, and upload files you want to use.


Setup Libraries Since some files are programed by its previous version, you need to uninstall new one, and install previous version so that these files can run.

!pip uninstall scipy # Uninstalling scipy-1.4.1:
!pip install scipy==1.1.0
!pip uninstall tensorflow # Uninstalling tensorflow-2.2.0rc3:
!pip install tensorflow==1.1.0

Execution command According to GitHub page, it's shown how to execute these files below. image.png

!python evaluate.py --checkpoint ./wave.ckpt \  # The style file you want to use.
  --in-path ./stata.jpg \  # The original picture you want to transform.
  --out-path ./out.jpg     # name of output file

After execution this command, "out.jpg " is generated below. image.png

Result of Another Sample


References LINK -> GitHub:TensorFlow CNN for fast style transfer -> Python cheat sheet (for C ++ experienced) -> Neural Style Transfer: Explaining the background technology of Prisma -> Introduction to Numerical Library NumPy in Python -> Python Basic - Pandas, Numpy

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