pass two arguments to the URI with link_to


I posted about the path argument of the link_to method before, but today I was in a situation where I passed two arguments, so I will summarize it so that I will not forget it.

What is the link_to method?

<% link_to 'Character to be displayed', ○○_path %>

By doing so, it can be treated like an HTML a tag.

If path requires an argument

The URI of rails routes in the terminal


If ":" and "id" are attached, it is necessary to pass an argument there. Requires arguments for : class_room_id and: id.

When you need to pass two arguments to path

In the previous example, The first : class_room_id is needed because the routing is nested.


resources :class_rooms, only: [:index, :new, :create] do
    resources :messages, only: [:index, :create, :destroy]

If the routing is nested, you must specify two path arguments for link_to. </ font>

<%= link_to 'Character to be displayed', class_room_message_path(@class_room, message) %>

The order to specify is the order in the URI.

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