[PYTHON] I read PEP 613 (Explicit Type Aliases)

I've been following python / peps recently to follow PEP updates, but GvR is [PEP 613 (Explicit Type Aliases)](https: / /www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0613/) said something like putting it in 3.10 (instead of 3.9) so I read it a bit.

I think it’s too late to add to 3.9, but it can be added to typing_extensions, and of course 3.10 is open (the master branch is now 3.10). https://github.com/python/peps/issues/1412#issuecomment-633641359




In the explicit grammar, it is treated as follows.

#Just a global variable
x = 1
x: int = 1

#Just a global variable
x = int
x: Type[int] = int

#Type alias
x: TypeAlias = int
x: TypeAlias = “MyClass”


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