AWS SSM Agent Launch

Start the SSM agent.

I used Fargate to deploy a Rails application. So, I discovered SSM as a way to enter the server at the terminal with Fargate. I took advantage of this, but I shared it because there was a slight stumbling block.

In my case, the directory structure looks like this. Only Dockerfile.producion and are used this time.

L /app
L /bin
L Dockerfile
L Dockerfile.production

1. Create a hybrid activation from

First, you need to create a hybrid activation to start the SSM agent. You can also create it manually from AWS → Systems Manager → Hybrid Activation, but I created the hybrid activation in

SSM_ACTIVATE_INFO=`aws ssm create-activation --iam-role service-role/AmazonEC2RunCommandRoleForManagedInstances --registration-limit 1 --region ap-northeast-1 --default-instance-name medley-blog-fargate-container`

SSM_ACTIVATE_CODE=`echo $SSM_ACTIVATE_INFO | jq -r '.ActivationCode'`
SSM_ACTIVATE_ID=`echo $SSM_ACTIVATE_INFO | jq -r '.ActivationId'`

2. Register a managed instance.

Next, register the managed instance using the hybrid activation created earlier.

#Add the following at the bottom

amazon-ssm-agent -register -code $SSM_ACTIVATE_CODE -id $SSM_ACTIVATE_ID -region "ap-northeast-1"

3. Start SSM Agent

#Add the following at the bottom
amazon-ssm-agent &

You should now be able to start the SSM agent, but when you try to start it from the ECS task definition, it does not start. スクリーンショット 2021-01-05 15.10.10.png

So I thought about starting from Dockerfile, and when I started it from Dockerfile, it started safely.


COPY /usr/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/

The cause is not clear, but since the registration of hybrid activation was done from the task definition of ECS, "The Docker container itself is deployed on the ECS side, and the command that just moves the container is in the container. Is it like "No"?

However, it is a mystery because there was an article made from the entry point of the ECS task definition in other articles. If anyone knows, please let me know.

Well, I'm glad that I was able to start it with ENTRY POINT from Dockerfile.

Reference article

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