Added firewalld to Amazon Linux 2 (IP address restrictions)

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Does Amazon Linux 2 require firewalld?

Many of the articles that are displayed at the top when you google with amazon linux + firewalld say," Amazon Linux 2 has a security group and network ALC with equivalent functions (and it blocks in front of the server), so firewalld Do not use. "

However, there is the following problem when you want to refuse the connection of a specific IP address.

--Security group: Whitelist method (can be set to "permit". Deny cannot be specified) --Network ACL: "Reject" can be set. (Also permission). There is an upper limit (20) to the number that can be set. --ALB ・ ・ ・ Blacklist method. HTTP / HTTPS only

Therefore, if you want to limit the IP to more than 20, firewalld comes into play.

Environment / Premise

--As of October 20, 2020 / EC2 in the Tokyo region --OS is Amazon Linux and yum update completed --The security group assigned to EC2 has permission to access the inbound port. --In the case of this article, ssh (22), http (80), https (443)

Image from Gyazo



yum install firewalld

Persistence (automatically started when the server is restarted)

systemctl enable firewalld.service


systemctl start firewalld.service

Status check => OK if Active

systemctl status firewalld.service

Limited services available (ssh / http / https)

public {Add to the zone. It is a whitelist method. Don't forget to reload at the end. (No need for systemctl reload firewalld`)

firewall-cmd --add-service=http  --zone=public --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-service=https --zone=public --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh   --zone=public --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

IP address restrictions

Specify the address in the drop zone. It is a blacklist method.

firewall-cmd --zone=drop --permanent --add-source=<IP address range/CIDR>
firewall-cmd --reload

Operation check

--get-active-zone In my environment, running --get-active-zone did not return any results. Same with --reload. I'm worried, but in fact firewalld is still working in this state. (It is now displayed when the server is rebooted (# reboot))

Expected result Actual result
# firewall-cmd --get-active-zone
  interfaces: eth0
# firewall-cmd --get-active-zone


Again, the interfaces was empty and I was worried, but it was working. (This is also displayed when the server is restarted)

(Uneasy) display before restarting the server

# firewall-cmd --list-all
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  services: ssh dhcpv6-client https http
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

Valid service confirmation (firewall-cmd --list-services)

This was displayed without restarting the server.

# firewall-cmd --list-services
ssh dhcpv6-client https http

Operation check

Check if the intended operation is performed while adding or deleting to the public zone and drop zone. If you log out everything after removing ssh from public, it's bad (isn't it?), So be careful not to remove it.

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