Manipulate OCTA udf filenames in Python

In Python, use the re and os modules to process file names in a batch.

It's a simple program, but I used OCTA, and sometimes I want to extract only UDF files and process the file names in a batch, so I made it as a reminder.

Add a classification name to the file name at once.

re: Regular expression module Use re.compile () to compile the strings in it into a regular expression to create an object. reg_exit = re.compile (keyword) is a regular expression by specifying a keyword to compile into a regular expression with compile. Put this object in reg_exit. (): All strings are searched. ʻOs: Can operate files and directories. ʻOs.rename (a, b): Rename ʻatob`

With for name in file_list:, extract the file names one by one and put them in name. ʻIf (name):determines if there is a compiled keyword in the regular expression in the extracted file name. ʻUdf_file.append (name)appends the file with the keyword to the list. ʻOs.rename (file, category + file) adds the keyword (category) to the file name (file`)

Add a classification name to all file names in OCTA

#Import module
import os
import re
#Make a list of files in the directory.

file_list = os.listdir()
udf_file = []

reg_exit = re.compile(r'(.udf)$')

for name in file_list:

#Specify the classification name (category) and add it to the file name (os).rename)
category = 'Category 10_'
for file in udf_file:
    os.rename(file, category+file)

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