[PYTHON] Compare DCGAN and pix2pix with keras


Generalization and Equilibrium in Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs)

torch7 pix2pix

torch7 is the original http://qiita.com/masataka46/items/3d5a2b34d3d7fd29a6e3


DCGAN architecture

https://www.slideshare.net/xavigiro/deep-learning-for-computer-vision-generative-models-and-adversarial-training-upc-2016 https://blog.openai.com/generative-models/ Generate an image with hostile generation. Input noise and generate a fake image with the generator. The discriminator determines the real image. スクリーンショット 2017-04-17 21.30.34.png スクリーンショット 2017-04-17 21.30.42.png スクリーンショット 2017-04-17 21.30.50.png Output the probability distribution of the image with the generator. The discriminator determines whether it is genuine or not. スクリーンショット 2017-04-17 21.36.19.png

An easy-to-understand explanation of the loss function eshare.net/hamadakoichi/laplacian-pyramid-of-generative-adversarial-networks-lapgan-nips2015-reading-nipsyomi スクリーンショット 2017-04-17 21.38.01.png

Implementation of DCGAN with keras Part 1

Source https://github.com/jacobgil/keras-dcgan

Let's look at the definition from above. Generator for generation


def generator_model():
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(Dense(input_dim=100, output_dim=1024))
    model.add(Reshape((128, 7, 7), input_shape=(128*7*7,)))
    model.add(UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2)))
    model.add(Convolution2D(64, 5, 5, border_mode='same'))
    model.add(UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2)))
    model.add(Convolution2D(1, 5, 5, border_mode='same'))
    return model

Discriminator for judgment


def discriminator_model():
    model = Sequential()
                        64, 5, 5,
                        input_shape=(1, 28, 28)))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
    model.add(Convolution2D(128, 5, 5))
    model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))
    return model

A model that connects a generator and a discriminator Used when propagating errors.


def generator_containing_discriminator(generator, discriminator):
    model = Sequential()
    discriminator.trainable = False
    return model

A function that saves the output results in one image.


def combine_images(generated_images):
    num = generated_images.shape[0]
    width = int(math.sqrt(num))
    height = int(math.ceil(float(num)/width))
    shape = generated_images.shape[2:]
    image = np.zeros((height*shape[0], width*shape[1]),
    for index, img in enumerate(generated_images):
        i = int(index/width)
        j = index % width
        image[i*shape[0]:(i+1)*shape[0], j*shape[1]:(j+1)*shape[1]] = \
            img[0, :, :]
    return image

Definition of learning. Get mnist data. Normalize the image and put it back in X_train. Define a model that combines the generator and discriminator. SGD defines an optimization function for a model that combines a generator and a discriminator. Create noise for batch size.

Input noise to the generator. generated_images = generator.predict(noise, verbose=0) Combine the original image and the output image to make X. X = np.concatenate((image_batch, generated_images)) Input X and y to the discriminator to learn and generate an error. d_loss = discriminator.train_on_batch(X, y) The model that combines the two models is trained and an error is generated. g_loss = discriminator_on_generator.train_on_batch(noise, [1] * BATCH_SIZE)


def train(BATCH_SIZE):
    (X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
    X_train = (X_train.astype(np.float32) - 127.5)/127.5
    X_train = X_train.reshape((X_train.shape[0], 1) + X_train.shape[1:])
    discriminator = discriminator_model()
    generator = generator_model()
    discriminator_on_generator = \
        generator_containing_discriminator(generator, discriminator)
    d_optim = SGD(lr=0.0005, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
    g_optim = SGD(lr=0.0005, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
    generator.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer="SGD")
        loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=g_optim)
    discriminator.trainable = True
    discriminator.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=d_optim)
    noise = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 100))
    for epoch in range(100):
        print("Epoch is", epoch)
        print("Number of batches", int(X_train.shape[0]/BATCH_SIZE))
        for index in range(int(X_train.shape[0]/BATCH_SIZE)):
            for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
                noise[i, :] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
            image_batch = X_train[index*BATCH_SIZE:(index+1)*BATCH_SIZE]
            generated_images = generator.predict(noise, verbose=0)
            if index % 20 == 0:
                image = combine_images(generated_images)
                image = image*127.5+127.5
                    str(epoch)+"_"+str(index)+".png ")
            X = np.concatenate((image_batch, generated_images))
            y = [1] * BATCH_SIZE + [0] * BATCH_SIZE
            d_loss = discriminator.train_on_batch(X, y)
            print("batch %d d_loss : %f" % (index, d_loss))
            for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
                noise[i, :] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
            discriminator.trainable = False
            g_loss = discriminator_on_generator.train_on_batch(
                noise, [1] * BATCH_SIZE)
            discriminator.trainable = True
            print("batch %d g_loss : %f" % (index, g_loss))
            if index % 10 == 9:
                generator.save_weights('generator', True)
                discriminator.save_weights('discriminator', True)

Definition of the generated part. Save_weights is done at the time of learning, so load_weights. nice is False when executed by default. If nice is specified, images with good estimates will be sorted and saved together.


def generate(BATCH_SIZE, nice=False):
    generator = generator_model()
    generator.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer="SGD")
    if nice:
        discriminator = discriminator_model()
        discriminator.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer="SGD")
        noise = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE*20, 100))
        for i in range(BATCH_SIZE*20):
            noise[i, :] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
        generated_images = generator.predict(noise, verbose=1)
        d_pret = discriminator.predict(generated_images, verbose=1)
        index = np.arange(0, BATCH_SIZE*20)
        index.resize((BATCH_SIZE*20, 1))
        pre_with_index = list(np.append(d_pret, index, axis=1))
        pre_with_index.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
        nice_images = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 1) +
                               (generated_images.shape[2:]), dtype=np.float32)
        for i in range(int(BATCH_SIZE)):
            idx = int(pre_with_index[i][1])
            nice_images[i, 0, :, :] = generated_images[idx, 0, :, :]
        image = combine_images(nice_images)
        noise = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, 100))
        for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
            noise[i, :] = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 100)
        generated_images = generator.predict(noise, verbose=1)
        image = combine_images(generated_images)
    image = image*127.5+127.5
        "generated_image.png ")

Argument definition.


def get_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str)
    parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=128)
    parser.add_argument("--nice", dest="nice", action="store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

Execute. Train when learning. Generate for estimation.


if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = get_args()
    if args.mode == "train":
    elif args.mode == "generate":
        generate(BATCH_SIZE=args.batch_size, nice=args.nice)
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Implementation of DCGAN with keras Part 2

It's just a little different. Source https://github.com/tdeboissiere/DeepLearningImplementations/tree/master/GAN

In this code, the coding is such that the image data is once converted to HDF5 and then learned.

python make_dataset.py --img_size 64
python main.py --img_dim 64

Only train in train_GAN.py is called.


import os
import argparse

def launch_training(**kwargs):

    # Launch training

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train model')
    parser.add_argument('--backend', type=str, default="theano", help="theano or tensorflow")
    parser.add_argument('--generator', type=str, default="upsampling", help="upsampling or deconv")
    parser.add_argument('--dset', type=str, default="mnist", help="mnist or celebA")
    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=32, type=int, help='Batch size')
    parser.add_argument('--n_batch_per_epoch', default=200, type=int, help="Number of training epochs")
    parser.add_argument('--nb_epoch', default=400, type=int, help="Number of batches per epoch")
    parser.add_argument('--epoch', default=10, type=int, help="Epoch at which weights were saved for evaluation")
    parser.add_argument('--nb_classes', default=2, type=int, help="Number of classes")
    parser.add_argument('--do_plot', default=False, type=bool, help="Debugging plot")
    parser.add_argument('--bn_mode', default=2, type=int, help="Batch norm mode")
    parser.add_argument('--img_dim', default=64, type=int, help="Image width == height")
    parser.add_argument('--noise_scale', default=0.5, type=float, help="variance of the normal from which we sample the noise")
    parser.add_argument('--label_smoothing', action="store_true", help="smooth the positive labels when training D")
    parser.add_argument('--use_mbd', action="store_true", help="use mini batch disc")
    parser.add_argument('--label_flipping', default=0, type=float, help="Probability (0 to 1.) to flip the labels when training D")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    assert args.dset in ["mnist", "celebA"]

    # Set the backend by modifying the env variable
    if args.backend == "theano":
        os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "theano"
    elif args.backend == "tensorflow":
        os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"

    # Import the backend
    import keras.backend as K

    # manually set dim ordering otherwise it is not changed
    if args.backend == "theano":
        image_dim_ordering = "th"
    elif args.backend == "tensorflow":
        image_dim_ordering = "tf"

    import train_GAN

    # Set default params
    d_params = {"mode": "train_GAN",
                "dset": args.dset,
                "generator": args.generator,
                "batch_size": args.batch_size,
                "n_batch_per_epoch": args.n_batch_per_epoch,
                "nb_epoch": args.nb_epoch,
                "model_name": "CNN",
                "epoch": args.epoch,
                "nb_classes": args.nb_classes,
                "do_plot": args.do_plot,
                "image_dim_ordering": image_dim_ordering,
                "bn_mode": args.bn_mode,
                "img_dim": args.img_dim,
                "label_smoothing": args.label_smoothing,
                "label_flipping": args.label_flipping,
                "noise_scale": args.noise_scale,
                "use_mbd": args.use_mbd,

    # Launch training

Since the model is called in train, let's look at the model first. Since upsampling is selected by default, look at upsampling.


def generator_upsampling(noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, model_name="generator_upsampling", dset="mnist"):
    Generator model of the DCGAN
    args : img_dim (tuple of int) num_chan, height, width
           pretr_weights_file (str) file holding pre trained weights
    returns : model (keras NN) the Neural Net model

    s = img_dim[1]
    f = 512

    if dset == "mnist":
        start_dim = int(s / 4)
        nb_upconv = 2
        start_dim = int(s / 16)
        nb_upconv = 4

    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        bn_axis = 1
        reshape_shape = (f, start_dim, start_dim)
        output_channels = img_dim[0]
        reshape_shape = (start_dim, start_dim, f)
        bn_axis = -1
        output_channels = img_dim[-1]

    gen_input = Input(shape=noise_dim, name="generator_input")

    x = Dense(f * start_dim * start_dim, input_dim=noise_dim)(gen_input)
    x = Reshape(reshape_shape)(x)
    x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=bn_axis)(x)
    x = Activation("relu")(x)

    # Upscaling blocks
    for i in range(nb_upconv):
        x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(x)
        nb_filters = int(f / (2 ** (i + 1)))
        x = Convolution2D(nb_filters, 3, 3, border_mode="same")(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=1)(x)
        x = Activation("relu")(x)
        x = Convolution2D(nb_filters, 3, 3, border_mode="same")(x)
        x = Activation("relu")(x)

    x = Convolution2D(output_channels, 3, 3, name="gen_convolution2d_final", border_mode="same", activation='tanh')(x)

    generator_model = Model(input=[gen_input], output=[x], name=model_name)

    return generator_model



def DCGAN_discriminator(noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, model_name="DCGAN_discriminator", dset="mnist", use_mbd=False):
    Discriminator model of the DCGAN
    args : img_dim (tuple of int) num_chan, height, width
           pretr_weights_file (str) file holding pre trained weights
    returns : model (keras NN) the Neural Net model

    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        bn_axis = 1
        bn_axis = -1

    disc_input = Input(shape=img_dim, name="discriminator_input")

    if dset == "mnist":
        list_f = [128]

        list_f = [64, 128, 256]

    # First conv
    x = Convolution2D(32, 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), name="disc_convolution2d_1", border_mode="same")(disc_input)
    x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=bn_axis)(x)
    x = LeakyReLU(0.2)(x)

    # Next convs
    for i, f in enumerate(list_f):
        name = "disc_convolution2d_%s" % (i + 2)
        x = Convolution2D(f, 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), name=name, border_mode="same")(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=bn_axis)(x)
        x = LeakyReLU(0.2)(x)

    x = Flatten()(x)

    def minb_disc(x):
        diffs = K.expand_dims(x, 3) - K.expand_dims(K.permute_dimensions(x, [1, 2, 0]), 0)
        abs_diffs = K.sum(K.abs(diffs), 2)
        x = K.sum(K.exp(-abs_diffs), 2)

        return x

    def lambda_output(input_shape):
        return input_shape[:2]

    num_kernels = 100
    dim_per_kernel = 5

    M = Dense(num_kernels * dim_per_kernel, bias=False, activation=None)
    MBD = Lambda(minb_disc, output_shape=lambda_output)

    if use_mbd:
        x_mbd = M(x)
        x_mbd = Reshape((num_kernels, dim_per_kernel))(x_mbd)
        x_mbd = MBD(x_mbd)
        x = merge([x, x_mbd], mode='concat')

    x = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name="disc_dense_2")(x)

    discriminator_model = Model(input=[disc_input], output=[x], name=model_name)

    return discriminator_model

The two models were combined.


def DCGAN(generator, discriminator_model, noise_dim, img_dim):

    noise_input = Input(shape=noise_dim, name="noise_input")

    generated_image = generator(noise_input)
    DCGAN_output = discriminator_model(generated_image)

    DCGAN = Model(input=[noise_input],

    return DCGAN

It can be called with load.


def load(model_name, noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, batch_size, dset="mnist", use_mbd=False):

    if model_name == "generator_upsampling":
        model = generator_upsampling(noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, model_name=model_name, dset=dset)
        print model.summary()
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model
    if model_name == "generator_deconv":
        model = generator_deconv(noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, batch_size, model_name=model_name, dset=dset)
        print model.summary()
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model
    if model_name == "DCGAN_discriminator":
        model = DCGAN_discriminator(noise_dim, img_dim, bn_mode, model_name=model_name, dset=dset, use_mbd=use_mbd)
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model

Let's look at learning. The train was called from main.py, but all the processing is written in the train. It is almost the same as the implementation of Part 1.

import models_GAN Bring DCGAN from as models models. The two models were combined. DCGAN_model = models.DCGAN(generator_model, discriminator_model, noise_dim, img_dim) Learn discriminators. disc_loss = discriminator_model.train_on_batch(X_disc, y_disc) Learn a model that combines two. gen_loss = DCGAN_model.train_on_batch(X_gen, y_gen)


def train(**kwargs):
    Train model
    Load the whole train data in memory for faster operations
    args: **kwargs (dict) keyword arguments that specify the model hyperparameters

    # Roll out the parameters
    batch_size = kwargs["batch_size"]
    n_batch_per_epoch = kwargs["n_batch_per_epoch"]
    nb_epoch = kwargs["nb_epoch"]
    generator = kwargs["generator"]
    model_name = kwargs["model_name"]
    image_dim_ordering = kwargs["image_dim_ordering"]
    img_dim = kwargs["img_dim"]
    bn_mode = kwargs["bn_mode"]
    label_smoothing = kwargs["label_smoothing"]
    label_flipping = kwargs["label_flipping"]
    noise_scale = kwargs["noise_scale"]
    dset = kwargs["dset"]
    use_mbd = kwargs["use_mbd"]
    epoch_size = n_batch_per_epoch * batch_size

    # Setup environment (logging directory etc)

    # Load and rescale data
    if dset == "celebA":
        X_real_train = data_utils.load_celebA(img_dim, image_dim_ordering)
    if dset == "mnist":
        X_real_train, _, _, _ = data_utils.load_mnist(image_dim_ordering)
    img_dim = X_real_train.shape[-3:]
    noise_dim = (100,)


        # Create optimizers
        opt_dcgan = Adam(lr=1E-3, beta_1=0.5, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)
        opt_discriminator = SGD(lr=1E-3, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)

        # Load generator model
        generator_model = models.load("generator_%s" % generator,
        # Load discriminator model
        discriminator_model = models.load("DCGAN_discriminator",

        generator_model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=opt_discriminator)
        discriminator_model.trainable = False

        DCGAN_model = models.DCGAN(generator_model,

        loss = ['binary_crossentropy']
        loss_weights = [1]
        DCGAN_model.compile(loss=loss, loss_weights=loss_weights, optimizer=opt_dcgan)

        discriminator_model.trainable = True
        discriminator_model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt_discriminator)

        gen_loss = 100
        disc_loss = 100

        # Start training
        print("Start training")
        for e in range(nb_epoch):
            # Initialize progbar and batch counter
            progbar = generic_utils.Progbar(epoch_size)
            batch_counter = 1
            start = time.time()

            for X_real_batch in data_utils.gen_batch(X_real_train, batch_size):

                # Create a batch to feed the discriminator model
                X_disc, y_disc = data_utils.get_disc_batch(X_real_batch,

                # Update the discriminator
                disc_loss = discriminator_model.train_on_batch(X_disc, y_disc)

                # Create a batch to feed the generator model
                X_gen, y_gen = data_utils.get_gen_batch(batch_size, noise_dim, noise_scale=noise_scale)

                # Freeze the discriminator
                discriminator_model.trainable = False
                gen_loss = DCGAN_model.train_on_batch(X_gen, y_gen)
                # Unfreeze the discriminator
                discriminator_model.trainable = True

                batch_counter += 1
                progbar.add(batch_size, values=[("D logloss", disc_loss),
                                                ("G logloss", gen_loss)])

                # Save images for visualization
                if batch_counter % 100 == 0:
                    data_utils.plot_generated_batch(X_real_batch, generator_model,
                                                    batch_size, noise_dim, image_dim_ordering)

                if batch_counter >= n_batch_per_epoch:

            print('Epoch %s/%s, Time: %s' % (e + 1, nb_epoch, time.time() - start))

            if e % 5 == 0:
                gen_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/gen_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                generator_model.save_weights(gen_weights_path, overwrite=True)

                disc_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/disc_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                discriminator_model.save_weights(disc_weights_path, overwrite=True)

                DCGAN_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/DCGAN_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                DCGAN_model.save_weights(DCGAN_weights_path, overwrite=True)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:


pix2pix architecture

Put an image in the generator instead of noise. Make noise by adding dropouts during learning and testing. The generator is called u-net, and the encoder / decoder is skipped and combined. スクリーンショット 2017-04-18 0.04.37.png スクリーンショット 2017-04-18 0.04.43.png

pix2 pix implementation in keras

Source https://github.com/tdeboissiere/DeepLearningImplementations/tree/master/pix2pix

It is written with almost the same configuration as DCGAN implementation # 2. main.py is called train of train.py.


import os
import argparse

def launch_training(**kwargs):

    # Launch training

if __name__ == "__main__":

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Train model')
    parser.add_argument('patch_size', type=int, nargs=2, action="store", help="Patch size for D")
    parser.add_argument('--backend', type=str, default="theano", help="theano or tensorflow")
    parser.add_argument('--generator', type=str, default="upsampling", help="upsampling or deconv")
    parser.add_argument('--dset', type=str, default="facades", help="facades")
    parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=4, type=int, help='Batch size')
    parser.add_argument('--n_batch_per_epoch', default=100, type=int, help="Number of training epochs")
    parser.add_argument('--nb_epoch', default=400, type=int, help="Number of batches per epoch")
    parser.add_argument('--epoch', default=10, type=int, help="Epoch at which weights were saved for evaluation")
    parser.add_argument('--nb_classes', default=2, type=int, help="Number of classes")
    parser.add_argument('--do_plot', action="store_true", help="Debugging plot")
    parser.add_argument('--bn_mode', default=2, type=int, help="Batch norm mode")
    parser.add_argument('--img_dim', default=64, type=int, help="Image width == height")
    parser.add_argument('--use_mbd', action="store_true", help="Whether to use minibatch discrimination")
    parser.add_argument('--use_label_smoothing', action="store_true", help="Whether to smooth the positive labels when training D")
    parser.add_argument('--label_flipping', default=0, type=float, help="Probability (0 to 1.) to flip the labels when training D")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Set the backend by modifying the env variable
    if args.backend == "theano":
        os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "theano"
    elif args.backend == "tensorflow":
        os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "tensorflow"

    # Import the backend
    import keras.backend as K

    # manually set dim ordering otherwise it is not changed
    if args.backend == "theano":
        image_dim_ordering = "th"
    elif args.backend == "tensorflow":
        image_dim_ordering = "tf"

    import train

    # Set default params
    d_params = {"dset": args.dset,
                "generator": args.generator,
                "batch_size": args.batch_size,
                "n_batch_per_epoch": args.n_batch_per_epoch,
                "nb_epoch": args.nb_epoch,
                "model_name": "CNN",
                "epoch": args.epoch,
                "nb_classes": args.nb_classes,
                "do_plot": args.do_plot,
                "image_dim_ordering": image_dim_ordering,
                "bn_mode": args.bn_mode,
                "img_dim": args.img_dim,
                "use_label_smoothing": args.use_label_smoothing,
                "label_flipping": args.label_flipping,
                "patch_size": args.patch_size,
                "use_mbd": args.use_mbd

    # Launch training

Take a look at the model. generator. It has changed to u-net compared to DCGAN.


def generator_unet_upsampling(img_dim, bn_mode, model_name="generator_unet_upsampling"):

    nb_filters = 64

    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        bn_axis = 1
        nb_channels = img_dim[0]
        min_s = min(img_dim[1:])
        bn_axis = -1
        nb_channels = img_dim[-1]
        min_s = min(img_dim[:-1])

    unet_input = Input(shape=img_dim, name="unet_input")

    # Prepare encoder filters
    nb_conv = int(np.floor(np.log(min_s) / np.log(2)))
    list_nb_filters = [nb_filters * min(8, (2 ** i)) for i in range(nb_conv)]

    # Encoder
    list_encoder = [Convolution2D(list_nb_filters[0], 3, 3,
                                  subsample=(2, 2), name="unet_conv2D_1", border_mode="same")(unet_input)]
    for i, f in enumerate(list_nb_filters[1:]):
        name = "unet_conv2D_%s" % (i + 2)
        conv = conv_block_unet(list_encoder[-1], f, name, bn_mode, bn_axis)

    # Prepare decoder filters
    list_nb_filters = list_nb_filters[:-2][::-1]
    if len(list_nb_filters) < nb_conv - 1:

    # Decoder
    list_decoder = [up_conv_block_unet(list_encoder[-1], list_encoder[-2],
                                       list_nb_filters[0], "unet_upconv2D_1", bn_mode, bn_axis, dropout=True)]
    for i, f in enumerate(list_nb_filters[1:]):
        name = "unet_upconv2D_%s" % (i + 2)
        # Dropout only on first few layers
        if i < 2:
            d = True
            d = False
        conv = up_conv_block_unet(list_decoder[-1], list_encoder[-(i + 3)], f, name, bn_mode, bn_axis, dropout=d)

    x = Activation("relu")(list_decoder[-1])
    x = UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(x)
    x = Convolution2D(nb_channels, 3, 3, name="last_conv", border_mode="same")(x)
    x = Activation("tanh")(x)

    generator_unet = Model(input=[unet_input], output=[x])

    return generator_unet



def DCGAN_discriminator(img_dim, nb_patch, bn_mode, model_name="DCGAN_discriminator", use_mbd=True):
    Discriminator model of the DCGAN
    args : img_dim (tuple of int) num_chan, height, width
           pretr_weights_file (str) file holding pre trained weights
    returns : model (keras NN) the Neural Net model

    list_input = [Input(shape=img_dim, name="disc_input_%s" % i) for i in range(nb_patch)]

    if K.image_dim_ordering() == "th":
        bn_axis = 1
        bn_axis = -1

    nb_filters = 64
    nb_conv = int(np.floor(np.log(img_dim[1]) / np.log(2)))
    list_filters = [nb_filters * min(8, (2 ** i)) for i in range(nb_conv)]

    # First conv
    x_input = Input(shape=img_dim, name="discriminator_input")
    x = Convolution2D(list_filters[0], 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), name="disc_conv2d_1", border_mode="same")(x_input)
    x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=bn_axis)(x)
    x = LeakyReLU(0.2)(x)

    # Next convs
    for i, f in enumerate(list_filters[1:]):
        name = "disc_conv2d_%s" % (i + 2)
        x = Convolution2D(f, 3, 3, subsample=(2, 2), name=name, border_mode="same")(x)
        x = BatchNormalization(mode=bn_mode, axis=bn_axis)(x)
        x = LeakyReLU(0.2)(x)

    x_flat = Flatten()(x)
    x = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name="disc_dense")(x_flat)

    PatchGAN = Model(input=[x_input], output=[x, x_flat], name="PatchGAN")
    print("PatchGAN summary")

    x = [PatchGAN(patch)[0] for patch in list_input]
    x_mbd = [PatchGAN(patch)[1] for patch in list_input]

    if len(x) > 1:
        x = merge(x, mode="concat", name="merge_feat")
        x = x[0]

    if use_mbd:
        if len(x_mbd) > 1:
            x_mbd = merge(x_mbd, mode="concat", name="merge_feat_mbd")
            x_mbd = x_mbd[0]

        num_kernels = 100
        dim_per_kernel = 5

        M = Dense(num_kernels * dim_per_kernel, bias=False, activation=None)
        MBD = Lambda(minb_disc, output_shape=lambda_output)

        x_mbd = M(x_mbd)
        x_mbd = Reshape((num_kernels, dim_per_kernel))(x_mbd)
        x_mbd = MBD(x_mbd)
        x = merge([x, x_mbd], mode='concat')

    x_out = Dense(2, activation="softmax", name="disc_output")(x)

    discriminator_model = Model(input=list_input, output=[x_out], name=model_name)

    return discriminator_model

Combining two models.


def DCGAN(generator, discriminator_model, img_dim, patch_size, image_dim_ordering):

    gen_input = Input(shape=img_dim, name="DCGAN_input")

    generated_image = generator(gen_input)

    if image_dim_ordering == "th":
        h, w = img_dim[1:]
        h, w = img_dim[:-1]
    ph, pw = patch_size

    list_row_idx = [(i * ph, (i + 1) * ph) for i in range(h / ph)]
    list_col_idx = [(i * pw, (i + 1) * pw) for i in range(w / pw)]

    list_gen_patch = []
    for row_idx in list_row_idx:
        for col_idx in list_col_idx:
            if image_dim_ordering == "tf":
                x_patch = Lambda(lambda z: z[:, row_idx[0]:row_idx[1], col_idx[0]:col_idx[1], :])(generated_image)
                x_patch = Lambda(lambda z: z[:, :, row_idx[0]:row_idx[1], col_idx[0]:col_idx[1]])(generated_image)

    DCGAN_output = discriminator_model(list_gen_patch)

    DCGAN = Model(input=[gen_input],
                  output=[generated_image, DCGAN_output],

    return DCGAN

Load for calling from main.py.


def load(model_name, img_dim, nb_patch, bn_mode, use_mbd, batch_size):

    if model_name == "generator_unet_upsampling":
        model = generator_unet_upsampling(img_dim, bn_mode, model_name=model_name)
        print model.summary()
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model

    if model_name == "generator_unet_deconv":
        model = generator_unet_deconv(img_dim, bn_mode, batch_size, model_name=model_name)
        print model.summary()
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model

    if model_name == "DCGAN_discriminator":
        model = DCGAN_discriminator(img_dim, nb_patch, bn_mode, model_name=model_name, use_mbd=use_mbd)
        from keras.utils.visualize_util import plot
        plot(model, to_file='../../figures/%s.png' % model_name, show_shapes=True, show_layer_names=True)
        return model

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # load("generator_unet_deconv", (256, 256, 3), 16, 2, False, 32)
    load("generator_unet_upsampling", (256, 256, 3), 16, 2, False, 32)

Combine the two. DCGAN_model = models.DCGAN(generator_model, discriminator_model, img_dim, patch_size, image_dim_ordering) Learn discriminators. disc_loss = discriminator_model.train_on_batch(X_disc, y_disc) Learn a model that combines two. gen_loss = DCGAN_model.train_on_batch(X_gen, [X_gen_target, y_gen])


import os
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import models
from keras.utils import generic_utils
from keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD
import keras.backend as K
# Utils
import general_utils
import data_utils

def l1_loss(y_true, y_pred):
    return K.sum(K.abs(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)

def train(**kwargs):
    Train model
    Load the whole train data in memory for faster operations
    args: **kwargs (dict) keyword arguments that specify the model hyperparameters

    # Roll out the parameters
    batch_size = kwargs["batch_size"]
    n_batch_per_epoch = kwargs["n_batch_per_epoch"]
    nb_epoch = kwargs["nb_epoch"]
    model_name = kwargs["model_name"]
    generator = kwargs["generator"]
    image_dim_ordering = kwargs["image_dim_ordering"]
    img_dim = kwargs["img_dim"]
    patch_size = kwargs["patch_size"]
    bn_mode = kwargs["bn_mode"]
    label_smoothing = kwargs["use_label_smoothing"]
    label_flipping = kwargs["label_flipping"]
    dset = kwargs["dset"]
    use_mbd = kwargs["use_mbd"]

    epoch_size = n_batch_per_epoch * batch_size

    # Setup environment (logging directory etc)

    # Load and rescale data
    X_full_train, X_sketch_train, X_full_val, X_sketch_val = data_utils.load_data(dset, image_dim_ordering)
    img_dim = X_full_train.shape[-3:]

    # Get the number of non overlapping patch and the size of input image to the discriminator
    nb_patch, img_dim_disc = data_utils.get_nb_patch(img_dim, patch_size, image_dim_ordering)


        # Create optimizers
        opt_dcgan = Adam(lr=1E-3, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)
        # opt_discriminator = SGD(lr=1E-3, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
        opt_discriminator = Adam(lr=1E-3, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08)

        # Load generator model
        generator_model = models.load("generator_unet_%s" % generator,
        # Load discriminator model
        discriminator_model = models.load("DCGAN_discriminator",

        generator_model.compile(loss='mae', optimizer=opt_discriminator)
        discriminator_model.trainable = False

        DCGAN_model = models.DCGAN(generator_model,

        loss = [l1_loss, 'binary_crossentropy']
        loss_weights = [1E1, 1]
        DCGAN_model.compile(loss=loss, loss_weights=loss_weights, optimizer=opt_dcgan)

        discriminator_model.trainable = True
        discriminator_model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt_discriminator)

        gen_loss = 100
        disc_loss = 100

        # Start training
        print("Start training")
        for e in range(nb_epoch):
            # Initialize progbar and batch counter
            progbar = generic_utils.Progbar(epoch_size)
            batch_counter = 1
            start = time.time()

            for X_full_batch, X_sketch_batch in data_utils.gen_batch(X_full_train, X_sketch_train, batch_size):

                # Create a batch to feed the discriminator model
                X_disc, y_disc = data_utils.get_disc_batch(X_full_batch,

                # Update the discriminator
                disc_loss = discriminator_model.train_on_batch(X_disc, y_disc)

                # Create a batch to feed the generator model
                X_gen_target, X_gen = next(data_utils.gen_batch(X_full_train, X_sketch_train, batch_size))
                y_gen = np.zeros((X_gen.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.uint8)
                y_gen[:, 1] = 1

                # Freeze the discriminator
                discriminator_model.trainable = False
                gen_loss = DCGAN_model.train_on_batch(X_gen, [X_gen_target, y_gen])
                # Unfreeze the discriminator
                discriminator_model.trainable = True

                batch_counter += 1
                progbar.add(batch_size, values=[("D logloss", disc_loss),
                                                ("G tot", gen_loss[0]),
                                                ("G L1", gen_loss[1]),
                                                ("G logloss", gen_loss[2])])

                # Save images for visualization
                if batch_counter % (n_batch_per_epoch / 2) == 0:
                    # Get new images from validation
                    data_utils.plot_generated_batch(X_full_batch, X_sketch_batch, generator_model,
                                                    batch_size, image_dim_ordering, "training")
                    X_full_batch, X_sketch_batch = next(data_utils.gen_batch(X_full_val, X_sketch_val, batch_size))
                    data_utils.plot_generated_batch(X_full_batch, X_sketch_batch, generator_model,
                                                    batch_size, image_dim_ordering, "validation")

                if batch_counter >= n_batch_per_epoch:

            print('Epoch %s/%s, Time: %s' % (e + 1, nb_epoch, time.time() - start))

            if e % 5 == 0:
                gen_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/gen_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                generator_model.save_weights(gen_weights_path, overwrite=True)

                disc_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/disc_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                discriminator_model.save_weights(disc_weights_path, overwrite=True)

                DCGAN_weights_path = os.path.join('../../models/%s/DCGAN_weights_epoch%s.h5' % (model_name, e))
                DCGAN_model.save_weights(DCGAN_weights_path, overwrite=True)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

The place to get the data is converted to hdf5.


chainer code


git clone https://github.com/pfnet-research/chainer-pix2pix.git
cd chainer-pix2pix

Drop the dataset and perform learning

python train_facade.py -g 0 -i CMP_facade_DB_base/base --out image_out --snapshot_interval 10000

Load the trained model and fine-tune

python train_facade.py -g 0 -i CMP_facade_DB_base/base --out image_out --snapshot_interval 10000 -r image_out/snapshot_iter_30000.npz

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