[GO] A simple difference when passing a pointer as a function argument

When I was studying Go, I rediscovered (or rather reviewed) it, and I realized that the basics were missing. I think I learned it when I studied C language, but I'm completely out of my mind, so I'll write it down. In this article, C and Go are used as examples.

Pass by value

First, let's pass the value of the variable to the function normally.


int plus1(int x){
	x = x + 1 ;
	return x ;

int main(void){
	int a ;
	a = 1 ;
	printf("a = %d\n",a);//a =Is displayed as 1
	return 0;
package main
import "fmt"

func plus1(x int) int{
	x = x + 1
	return x

func main(){
	a := 1
	a1 := plus1(a)
	fmt.Println("a =", a)	//a =Is displayed as 1
	fmt.Println("a + 1 =", a1)	//a + 1 =2 is displayed

Pass by pointer

Next, let's pass a pointer.


int plus1(int *x){
	*x = *x + 1 ;
	return *x ;

int main(void){
	int a ;
	a = 1 ;
	printf("a = %d\n",a);//a =2 is displayed
	return 0;
package main
import "fmt"

func plus1(x *int) int{
	*x = *x + 1
	return *x

func main(){
	a := 1
	a1 := plus1(&a)
	fmt.Println("a =", a)	//a =2 is displayed
	fmt.Println("a + 1 =", a1)	//a + 1 =2 is displayed

The result has changed.


If you pass the variable ʻa`` normally, the function will be passed a copy of ʻa. So the changes are not applied to the original `ʻa. When the ~~ pointer is passed, the address where ʻa`` is stored is directly modified, so the process of" adding 1 to a "is changed to the number in the address pointed to by a. It has changed to the process of "adding 1". So in the end, the value of the variable ʻa`` looking at the same place also goes from 1 to 2. ~~


It's natural for someone who can do it, but I've kept it ambiguous so far, so I took this opportunity to review it. I hope it helps someone even a little.

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