[PYTHON] Batch convert LineString coordinate strings with Shapely + Pyproj

A memorandum regarding the implementation of the coordinate conversion process (WGS84-> UTM) of WKT format LineString in Python.

Execution environment

Python: v3.8.5 Library used: Shapely = 1.7.0, Pyproj = 3.0.0.post1

Processing content / implementation code

For the coordinate string of LineString read by Shapely, batch coordinate transformation with Transformer.itransformer of Pyproj with the specified EPSG code


from pyproj import Transformer
from shapely import wkt
from shapely.geometry import LineString

WGS84_EPSG = 4326
UTM_EPSG = 6691

def main():
    #WKT format LineString load
    linestr_wkt = "LINESTRING (138.385554841666 34.9748902437125, 138.385886903329 34.9752925491883, 138.38621257919 34.9757140120678, 138.386397767425 34.97612270334488)"
    linestr = wkt.loads(linestr_wkt)

    #Coordinate conversion from WGS84 to UTM
    trans_linestr = transform_linestr(linestr, WGS84_EPSG, UTM_EPSG)

    #Coordinate reconversion from UTM to WGS84(The value may change slightly when the accuracy of the original coordinates is high.)
    re_trans_linestr = transform_linestr(trans_linestr, UTM_EPSG, WGS84_EPSG)

    print("Load WKT:  ", linestr)
    print("WGS84->UTM:", trans_linestr)
    print("UTM->WGS84:", re_trans_linestr)

def transform_linestr(linestr: LineString, from_epsg: int, to_epsg: int) -> LineString:
    """LineString coordinate conversion process in the specified EPSG code

        linestr (LineString):Coordinate conversion source LineString
        from_epsg (int):Conversion source EPSG code
        to_epsg (int):Conversion destination EPSG code

        LineString:LineString after coordinate conversion
    transformer = Transformer.from_crs(from_epsg, to_epsg)
    trans_coords = transformer.itransform(linestr.coords, switch=True)
    return LineString(trans_coords)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Execution output result

Load WKT:   LINESTRING (138.385554841666 34.9748902437125, 138.385886903329 34.9752925491883, 138.38621257919 34.9757140120678, 138.386397767425 34.97612270334488)
WGS84->UTM: LINESTRING (3873381.187880124 261326.0666616608, 3873425.024292707 261357.5560269007, 3873471.001297946 261388.5176213919, 3873515.897231507 261406.6137873351)
UTM->WGS84: LINESTRING (138.385554841666 34.9748902437125, 138.385886903329 34.9752925491883, 138.38621257919 34.9757140120678, 138.386397767425 34.97612270334487)

Shapely + Pyproj made it very easy to implement the coordinate sequence conversion process. Pyproj convenient.


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