[Swift] Color Picker that can be used with copy and paste (palette that allows you to freely select colors)

UIColorPickerViewController </ b> </ code> that appeared in iOS14, It was easy to implement and very convenient, so I will post it so that it can be used by copying. This time, we are implementing with Storyboard </ b> instead of SwiftUI.

Execution environment version
Xcode 12.0
Swift 5

What is ColorPicker?

A color palette that allows you to freely select colors and adjust transparency. image.png

Color Picker code that can be used with copy and paste

When you start it, it will be a simple application that ColorPickerViewController </ code> will be displayed. When you select a color, it will be reflected in the backgraoundColor </ code> of the view </ code>.


import UIKit

class CPSampleViewController: UIViewController {
    var colorPicker = UIColorPickerViewController()
    var selectedColor = UIColor.white

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        colorPicker.delegate = self
        view.backgroundColor = selectedColor
    func appearColorPicker() {
        colorPicker.supportsAlpha = true
        colorPicker.selectedColor = selectedColor
        present(colorPicker, animated: true)

extension CPSampleViewController: UIColorPickerViewControllerDelegate {
    func colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController) {
        selectedColor = viewController.selectedColor
        view.backgroundColor = selectedColor
    func colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController) {
        print("dismissed colorPicker")

Try to make it work


Explanation ①

Explain the properties of UIColorPicekrViewController </ code>

First of all


colorPicker.supportsAlpha = true

・ Apple official document supportsAlpha A Boolean value that enables alpha value control.

Bool value that allows control of transparency </ b> ... apparently ...

In other words Setting the value of supportsAlpha </ code> to false </ font> </ code> hides the ColorPicker's Opacity controller.


colorPicker.supportsAlpha = false



colorPicker.selectedColor = selectedColor

・ Apple official document selectedColor The color selected by the user.

User-selected color </ b> ... apparently ...

That's right. You can get the selected color </ b> from this value, or determine the selected color </ b> when the UIColorPickerViewController </ code> is opened. can.

Explanation ②

Explanation of delegate method </ b> of UIColorPicekrViewController </ code>



func colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController) {

・ Apple official document colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_:) Informs the delegate when the user selects a color.

delegate method called when the user selects a color </ b> ... apparently ...

This time, we are using this delegate to assign the value of the selected color to the global variable.



func colorPickerViewControllerDidFinish(_ viewController: UIColorPickerViewController) {

・ Apple official document colorPickerViewControllerDidSelectColor(_:) Informs the delegate that the user dismissed the view controller.

Method called when user dismiss UIColorPickerViewController </ b> ... apparently ...


It's very easy to implement, so I want to use it more and more! However, it can't be used unless it is compatible with iOS14, so it seems like I'm watching around there.

If you find any mistakes, please kindly correct them.

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