The flea market apps I was creating have settled down, so I'll summarize them. Completely for myself.
Uses a gem called devise. Write test code using RSpec. Describe test data in FactoryBot with Faker. I used a Gem called Gimei and a Japanese version of Faker. Regular expressions. Error Error handling is displayed using the render method.
Introduced Active Hash. Introducing ActiveStorage so that images can be saved. Test code description using Faker's Japanese support. Calculate profits etc. in real time on the browser using JS.
Use the exists? Method in the conditional statement of the if statement to branch the process when there is no data in the table.
Display ActiveHash name (@ variable name.model name)
Collect the same processing with before_action.
Put together in the same form as the new action.
Use the merge method to get the combination of product and purchaser from the parameters.
Introduction of credit card payment using API introduction (PAY.JP). Response token with JS.
merge token.
Show sold out as purchased.
Conditional branching using <% if @ item.purchase%>
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