[PYTHON] [Codin Game] A site where you can train from the basics of coding with a browser (You can learn using a pseudo game development environment. Answers can be written by selecting from 25 programming languages!)

2019/02/15: "CodinGame may be the correct way to enjoy battle with BOT (AI program)" I did. If you like, please read this as well.

You can develop a test-first development style using 25 programming languages.

** CodinGame is a code creation / debugging / test (provided by the problem creator) on the browser (even if your machine does not have a development environment). It can be executed with a single button click, and it has the feature that "the answer can be submitted when the correct answer is approved". (So, it's safe with Rakuchin. Also, Codewars is the same) **

1. PRACTICE screen on the Codin Game site

Go to https://www.codingame.com/training in your Mac / Linux / Windows web browser. First, sign up using your Google account. Click "SIGN UP" at the top right of the screen.


2. Sign up


3. Position the training to be done first


4. Check training information


5. Open the problem (THE DESCENT) screen

Click the THE DESCENT image from the list to jump to the problem description screen.


6. Do a coding test in the IDE (answer screen)

The programming languages used for the answer are C #, C ++, Java, Javascript, Python3, Bash, C, Clojure, Dart, F #, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Kotlin, Lua, ObjectiveC, OCaml, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python2, Ruby. You can freely choose from, Rust, Scala, Swift, VB.NET.


7. Read the instructions (maybe you should look ahead at the code!)


8. View the initial source code of the code editor


9. Add and run debug statements (test fails because not solved)


10. "Submit" when all the tests have passed!



The CodinGame site also has a multiplayer mode to compete with other users. Studying English and C #, C ++, Java, Javascript, Python3, Bash, C, Clojure, Dart, F #, Go, Groovy, Haskell, Kotlin, Lua, ObjectiveC, OCaml, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python2, Ruby, Rust You can practice logic development in, Scala, Swift, VB.NET, so why not start your challenge in your favorite language?



2019/02/15: As I wrote at the beginning, ['CodinGame may be the correct way to enjoy battle with BOT (AI program)'](https://qiita.com/javacommons/items/ I wrote a new article called b178c924199d1a6d524d). If you like, please read this as well.

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[Codin Game] A site where you can train from the basics of coding with a browser (You can learn using a pseudo game development environment. Answers can be written by selecting from 25 programming languages!)
[Codewars] A site where you can train from the basics of coding with a browser (Vim can be used with a browser to support 32 programming languages. More than 4000 problems have been posted!)