I put the Quarkus app on GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine).


Supersonic Subatomic Java A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards

I tried Quarkus with the slogan. As shown in ↓, there are various articles that I have introduced or tried, so the difference is GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine). I tried to put it on.

-Java framework "Quarkus" is now available. Native binaries are generated from Java code, Java applications are started instantly, and optimization for containers is realized. Released by Red Hat -Quarkus: Introducing a new method to launch Java apps at high speed on a container

Work environment


$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"


$ java -version
openjdk version "10.0.2" 2018-07-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4, mixed mode)


$ sudo docker version
Server: Docker Engine - Community
  Version:          18.09.2
  API version:      1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.10.6
  Git commit:       6247962
  Built:            Sun Feb 10 03:42:13 2019
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false


$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.6.0 (97c98ec64a1fdfee7767ce5ffb20918da4f719f3; 2018-10-25T03:41:47+09:00)


$ gcloud version
Google Cloud SDK 240.0.0
kubectl 2019.03.22


Quarkus app creation

Create a Maven project according to the tutorial below, and then just hit the mvnw command included in the created project. https://quarkus.io/guides/getting-started-guide

If you extract a part of the source, it will be Spring-like Web API code like ↓. When I tried to use GCP Cloud Endpoints, the code was still similar.


public class GreetingResource {

    GreetingService service;

    public String hello() {
        return "hello";

    public String greeting(@PathParam("name") String name) {
        return service.greeting(name);

Docker container

This is also the same as the tutorial, but create the following Dockerfile under the project.


FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
RUN mkdir /app
COPY target/lib /app/lib
COPY target/*-runner.jar /app/application.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/app/application.jar"]

Build by Cloud Build

Create a Yaml file under the project to use Cloud Build as shown below.


- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'
  args: [ 'build', '-t', 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/quarkus-microservice', '.' ]
- 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/quarkus-microservice'

Then run the build. Then, the completed container image will be uploaded to GCR (Google Container Registry).

$ gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
Creating temporary tarball archive of 137 file(s) totalling 9.6 MiB before compression.
Uploading tarball of [.] to [gs://[GCP project ID]_cloudbuild/source/1553878212.23-a25ba1029b4a4979b2a049769da45570.tgz]
Created [https://cloudbuild.googleapis.com/v1/projects/[GCP project ID]/builds/1bff9b28-a9da-4113-9c41-c9de7f9af1d7].

ID                                    CREATE_TIME                DURATION  SOURCE                                                                                  IMAGES                                              STATUS
1bff9b28-a9da-4113-9c41-c9de7f9af1d7  2019-03-29T16:50:16+00:00  46S       gs://[GCP project ID]_cloudbuild/source/1553878212.23-a25ba1029b4a4979b2a049769da45570.tgz  gcr.io/[GCP project ID]/quarkus-microservice (+1 more)  SUCCESS

Confirm with the GCP console that the build was actually successful and the container image was stored. screenshot-console.cloud.google.com-2019-03-30-01-54-34-080.png screenshot-console.cloud.google.com-2019-03-30-01-57-09-002.png

By the way, this procedure is based on the following past articles. GKE trial (Part 2: "To GitHub-> CSR. And to GCR by GCB")

Create GKE cluster

To use k8s managed services on GCP, first create a cluster. You can also create it from the GCP console, but I'll leave it as a command as I'll create and delete it (to save money). Created preemptively because it is just for trial articles, not for service disclosure.

$ gcloud container clusters create clst-pe-01 --preemptible --machine-type=f1-micro --num-nodes=3 --disk-size=10
WARNING: In June 2019, node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default for newly created clusters and node pools. To disable it, use the `--no-enable-autoupgrade` flag.
Creating cluster clst-pe-01 in asia-northeast1-c... Cluster is being health-checked (master is healthy)...done.                                                                                              
Created [https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/[GCP project ID]/zones/asia-northeast1-c/clusters/clst-pe-01].
To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to: https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload_/gcloud/asia-northeast1-c/clst-pe-01?project=[GCP project ID]
kubeconfig entry generated for clst-pe-01.
clst-pe-01  asia-northeast1-c  1.11.7-gke.12   xx.xxx.xxx.xxx  f1-micro      1.11.7-gke.12  3          RUNNING

Confirm that the cluster is actually created. screenshot-console.cloud.google.com-2019-03-30-02-07-20-951.png

By the way, this procedure is based on the following past articles. GKE trial (3: "Create cluster") In addition, the following will be helpful for creating clusters to save money. Create an inexpensive GKE (k8s) cluster and use it for hobby development

GKE (Kubernetes Engine) for the container image in GCR (Container Registry) Deploy to kubernetes-engine /? hl = ja)

$ kubectl run quarkus-microservice --image gcr.io/[GCP project ID]/quarkus-microservice@sha256:18a20d4307785a7aec3b19738a849430e2181720cb357d8a7ea6f8fe4ed1f850 --port 80
deployment.apps/quarkus-microservice created

Yes. You can deploy it. screenshot-console.cloud.google.com-2019-03-30-02-21-46-308.png

Publish the app

If you can only deploy it, there is no access from the outside, so create a service for publication.

$ kubectl expose deployment quarkus-microservice --type "LoadBalancer"
service/quarkus-microservice exposed

Yes. The service is ready. screenshot-console.cloud.google.com-2019-03-30-02-25-48-306.png

Access confirmation

screenshot- I don't know because it's too simple, but it's a success.

By the way, this procedure is based on the following past articles. [GKE trial (Part 4: "GKE deployment-> service release"](https://qiita.com/sky0621/items/aadeb53a5be2800066de#4 application released)


This time, I just put the first tutorial level automatic generation application on GKE. There are various sample code of GitHub such as JSON-REST, WebSocket, ORM, and validation. https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-quickstarts#getting-started-guides screenshot-github.com-2019.03.30-01-31-12.png When I thought about the app to put on k8s, until now, "Golang "Let's write.", But thanks to the appearance of Kubernetes, Java that can use abundant existing assets may be a candidate in the future.

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