Resolve "Cannot resolve symbol" in IntelliJ projects using Gradle

I have no Java power, so I am learning something that can't be helped every day.

Today's "Unreasonable Learning" is the case where I wrote the following in build.gradle, but IntelliJ solved ʻimport lombok.Data;` as "Cannot resolve symbol".

dependencies {
	compile 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.10'

It's really ridiculous, but when I select "File" => "Invalidate Caches / Restart ..." and restart IntelliJ, IntelliJ restarts with the cache cleared. Furthermore, in my case, a window called "Import Module from Gradle" was launched, and I was able to solve the problem by checking "Use gradle wrapper task configuration" (a gradlew file is created).

I hesitate to write in Qiita because it's too ridiculous, but I have no choice but to accept the ridiculous level.

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