Loop processing

Types of iterative processing

It seems that there are ** each ** method, ** for ** statement, ** whil, until ** statement, ** times ** method, ** up_to ** method, etc. as types of Ruby iterative processing. I don't understand which process should be used when iterating with paiza's algorithm, so I will summarize the usage and features.

First premise

Iterative processing is often used together with arrays (objects that can store multiple data in order (Array class)) and blocks (groups of processing that can be passed as method arguments). In most cases, Ruby iterates using the each method. * In multiple languages, the for, foreach syntax is often used.

each method

Rather than Ruby executing iterative processing as a language function, each method of the array executes iterative processing. The role of each method is to extract from the elements of the array to the end in order. How to handle the extracted one is described in ** block **.

#Example(Processing that adds elements of an array)
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
sum = 0
numbers.each do |n|
  sum += n
sum #=> 10

What is a block?

The block is the following part of the code above.|n|N isBlock argument(Name is free)The elements of the array passed from the each method are entered.

#Block part

             do |n|
  sum += n

Block (version without line breaks)

#do ..Instead of end{}use

numbers.each {|n| sum += n}

times method

If you want to simply repeat the process n times without using an array, use the times method of the Integer class.

sum = 0
#Repeat the process 5 times. 0 for n,1,2,3,4 is entered.
5.times {|n| sum += n}  or  5.times{sum += 1}
sum #=> 10

upto and downt methods

If you want to process something while incrementing the number from n to m one by one, use the upto method of the Integer class. Conversely, a downto method that reduces one by one.

#upto method
a = []
10.upto(14) {|n| a << n}
a #=> [10, 11, 12, 13 ,14] 

#downto method
a = []
14.doentown(10){|n| a << n}
a #=> [14 ,13 ,12 ,11 ,10]

while statement and until statement

Syntax for iterative processing. Execute if the conditional expression after while is true. Execute if the conditional expression after until is false.

#while statement
a = []
while a.size < 5
  a << 1
a #=> [1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1]

#until statement
a = [10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ]
until a.size <= 3 #Keep erasing the last element unless the array a has 3 or less elements.
a #=> [10 ,20 ,30]

for statement

You can think that the for statement has the same purpose as the each method. However, Ruby seems to be more common to use each method.

numbers = [1 ,2 ,3 ,4]
sum = 0
for n in numbers 
  sum += n
sum #=> 10

#It is also possible to put do and write in one line.
for n in numbers do sum += end

Impressions of summarizing

For the time being, it seems good to learn various methods by using other map methods based on each method.

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