I want to check the indoor and outdoor conditions on the dashboard using a thermo-hygrometer.
Even when I bought the SwitchBot thermo-hygrometer, I felt that it wasn't used up, but I got noticed from this article and came up with the production. Thanks: bow: Acquire sensor data in the house with Raspberry Pi and realize a super IoT house
There are many articles that are processed using Raspberry Pi, but this time I will use the x86_64 server at home that is already running. To get the value from the sensor, use the Python program published by Wonder Labs. https://github.com/OpenWonderLabs/python-host The acquired value is recorded in Google Spreadsheet via Google Apps Script. Use this as a data source and visualize it in the Google Data Portal.
That's the flow.
After purchasing, insert the battery and install it in the place to measure. When installing outdoors, take waterproof measures. You can enclose it in something, but if it is made of metal, it will interfere with communication. Install the SwitchBot app to find out the BLE MAC address you will need in the next step.
Create a spreadsheet with any location and name.
At this time, enter the first line as shown in the image below. (Before _t and _h is the MAC address of BLE)
You will need the URL in the next step.
Create a Google Apps Script with any location and name. Please refer to other articles for how to create and prepare. https://qiita.com/tags/googleappsscript Rewrite the script with the contents below.
var SPREADSHEET_ID = "********"; //Here is the URL of the Spreadsheet
// Compiled using ts2gas 3.6.3 (TypeScript 3.9.7)
var MySpreadsheet = /** @class */ (function () {
function MySpreadsheet(id, sheetId) {
if (sheetId === void 0) { sheetId = 0; }
if (id.match(/^https:\/\//)) {
this.ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(id);
else {
this.ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id);
this.sheet = this.ss.getSheets()[sheetId];
MySpreadsheet.prototype.headers = function () {
var range = this.sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, this.sheet.getMaxColumns());
return range.getValues()[0];
MySpreadsheet.prototype.appendRow = function (row) {
var insertRow = [];
this.headers().forEach(function (name, index) {
insertRow.push((name && name in row) ? row[name] : "");
MySpreadsheet.prototype.unshiftRow = function (row) {
var range = this.sheet.getRange(2, 1, 1, this.sheet.getMaxColumns());
this.headers().forEach(function (name, index) {
if (name) {
range.getCell(1, index + 1).setValue(row[name]);
return MySpreadsheet;
var MyResponse = /** @class */ (function () {
function MyResponse(status, message) {
this.status = status;
this.message = message;
MyResponse.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {
status: this.status,
message: this.message
MyResponse.prototype.create = function () {
var output = ContentService.createTextOutput();
return output;
return MyResponse;
function doPost(e) {
var data = JSON.parse(e.postData.contents);
var response = new MyResponse("success", "ok");
try {
var ss = new MySpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_ID);
catch (err) {
response.status = "error";
response.message = err.message;
return response.create();
After saving the script, publish it. Menu> Publish> Introduced as a web application ... You will need the URL in the next step.
Up to the point where the sensor value acquired by the Python program is POSTed to a specific URL is published in a Docker container. Please move here. https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/kunikada/switchbot-meter-relay Specify the URL you published earlier in POST_URL.
Please refer to other articles for the process of running the Docker container in the first place. https://qiita.com/tags/docker
At this point, you should have data in your Google Sheets.
I'll omit the specific steps, but as a result of trial and error, something like an image was created.
The temperature is displayed above, the humidity is displayed below, and indoor / outdoor data and differences are displayed in one. The left side is the history and the right side is the current value.
Regarding the history, there are various parameters, but it can be set with one time series graph.
The current value is displayed by overlaying two donut graphs and two scorecards. The data source also creates dedicated data in a separate sheet of the spreadsheet.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment.
Thermo-hygrometer API specifications https://github.com/OpenWonderLabs/python-host/wiki/Meter-BLE-open-API
Google Apps Script Reference https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference
Docker Japanese Reference https://docs.docker.jp/index.html
Google Data Portal Help https://support.google.com/datastudio/?hl=ja
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