I wrote the code using Spring Batch, which is one of the popular Spring Framework functions in Java, at work, so I will implement it at home for both introduction and review. The final code can be found on GitHub.
I can't put the code I wrote in business, so I'll make a substitute. I decided to make a batch that corrects the age data of a certain personal table to the correct age by looking at the date of birth.
First, prepare the data. Start CentOS 7 with Vagrant and install MySQL there. Create a DB called batch and prepare the following table. This time, it would be nice if I had my age and date of birth, but I'm lonely with that, so I prepared a name. By the way, the batch is supposed to be executed daily.
mysql> use batch;
Database changed
mysql> desc person;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| name | varchar(30) | NO | | NULL | |
| age | int(3) | NO | | NULL | |
| birthday | date | NO | | NULL | |
Enter data for about 4 people. Today is August 29th, so I will enter birthday data that differs only in the Christian era. I will prepare one on another birthday so that I can see if it has been updated.
mysql> select * from person;
| id | name | age | birthday |
| 1 | Alice | 23 | 1995-08-29 |
| 2 | Bob | 38 | 1980-08-29 |
| 3 | Carol | 29 | 1989-08-29 |
| 4 | Dave | 23 | 1995-08-30 |
When using Spring Framework, it is quick to download the template from Spring Initializr, so use this. Since Gradle is used for build, select Gradle Project and enter it appropriately.
Select the area appropriately, download it with "Generate the project", and unzip it. We will add the necessary files to this. The architecture of Spring Batch is described in detail in here, so I think you should read it. ..
In SpringBatch, the batch execution unit is defined as JOB and the processing unit is defined as STEP. In addition, two concepts, ** tasklet model ** and ** chunk model **, are provided as templates for the STEP processing flow. Originally, I think that tasklet is enough if you just refer to and update a single table, but this time I will dare to adopt and implement a chunk model.
The chunk model needs to be implemented by dividing it into three flows of "read → process → write", and interfaces are prepared for each.
interface | Implementation details |
ItemReader | Extract personal data that has the same date of birth as the date of execution from the DB. |
ItemProcessor | Calculate the age from the date of birth and create personal data with the updated age. |
ItemWriter | Write the created personal data to the DB. |
To read and write data, connect to the DB. Since the implementation class of each interface is provided by the MyBatis library, we will use that. Read (ItemReader) extracts personal records whose birthday is the same as the batch execution date. So I will issue the following SQL. The date of the day (today) will be passed from the app.
Date_format(birthday, '%m%d') = Date_format(#{today}, '%m%d')
Writing (ItemWriter) only updates the age.
age = #{age}
id = #{id}
In data processing (ItemProcessor), it is the responsibility to correct the age of the extracted personal data object correctly. That said, all you have to do is calculate the difference between this year and the year of birth and create an update object.
//import omitted
public class CorrectAgeProcessor implements ItemProcessor<Person, Person> {
public Person process(Person person) throws Exception {
log.info("Correct {}.", person.getName());
return new Person(
LocalDate.now().getYear() - person.getBirthday().getYear(),
Define the job configuration. This time, one step is enough, so prepare one bean called step
. Spring Batch seems to execute transaction processing by default, and commits at the number interval set by chunk (n)
. The purpose is to reduce the overhead at the time of commit by committing to some extent together. This time, I will commit one by one for the time being.
//import omitted
public class BatchConfiguration {
public final JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
public final StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
private final SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory;
private final CorrectAgeProcessor correctAgeProcessor;
public MyBatisCursorItemReader<Person> reader() {
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("today", LocalDate.now());
return new MyBatisCursorItemReaderBuilder<Person>()
public MyBatisBatchItemWriter<Person> writer() {
return new MyBatisBatchItemWriterBuilder<Person>()
public Job correctAge(JobListener jobListener, Step step) {
return jobBuilderFactory.get("correctAge")
.incrementer(new RunIdIncrementer())
public Step step(ItemReader<Person> reader, ItemWriter<Person> writer) {
return stepBuilderFactory.get("step")
.<Person, Person> chunk(1)
I've implemented everything else and pushed the final code to here. I haven't implemented the test code, so I'll try to implement it soon.
Execution is performed on the VM on which MySQL is installed. Before execution, define the DB setting information in the environment variable.
$ export SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:<port>/<database>;
Then build with Gradle and run the resulting Jar file. The name of the person who updated it is output in the inserted logger.
$ ./gradlew clean build
$ java -jar build/libs/agecorrector.jar
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:: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.7.RELEASE)
2019-08-29 01:50:29.334 INFO 2781 --- [ main] c.g.h.agecorrector.batch.JobListener : Start job.
2019-08-29 01:50:29.391 INFO 2781 --- [ main] o.s.batch.core.job.SimpleStepHandler : Executing step: [step]
2019-08-29 01:50:29.565 INFO 2781 --- [ main] c.g.h.a.batch.CorrectAgeProcessor : Correct Alice.
2019-08-29 01:50:29.609 INFO 2781 --- [ main] c.g.h.a.batch.CorrectAgeProcessor : Correct Bob.
2019-08-29 01:50:29.624 INFO 2781 --- [ main] c.g.h.a.batch.CorrectAgeProcessor : Correct Carol.
2019-08-29 01:50:29.651 INFO 2781 --- [ main] c.g.h.agecorrector.batch.JobListener : Completed job.
Let's check the data in MySQL as well. The day I ran it was 8/29
, but you can update the age of the person born on that day.
mysql> select * from person;
| id | name | age | birthday |
| 1 | Alice | 24 | 1995-08-29 |
| 2 | Bob | 39 | 1980-08-29 |
| 3 | Carol | 30 | 1989-08-29 |
| 4 | Dave | 23 | 1995-08-30 |
After that, if you register with Cron etc., you can update your age regularly. I think the combination of Spring Batch and MyBatis is a framework that is easy for Java programmers to understand and handle. Also, there are many useful functions that are not implemented this time in Spring Batch, so please use them by all means.
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