[LINUX] [Self memo] Let's enjoy using alias with bash

It is a shortening of command input

cd ~
vim .bashrc

Please make this place your own Don't suffer from the original commands!

alias a='ls -la'
alias b='pwd'
alias c='cd'
alias h='cd ~'
alias p='cd -'
alias u='cd ..'
alias d='df -h'
alias v='vim'
alias g='git'
alias gsh='git push'
alias gpl='git pull'
alias gf='git fetch'
alias gi='grep -i'
alias f='find ./ -name "*.php" | xargs grep -i'
alias s='ps aux'
alias t='cat'
alias e='free'
alias n='cd /var/www/html'
alias m='cd /var/tmp'
alias hg='history | grep -i'
alias tl='tail -100'
alias tf='tail -f'

Save vim with: wq and finish

source .bashrc

So, it is reflected and the end

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