Procedure for publishing an application using AWS (4) Creating a database


I will describe the procedure to publish the application using AWS. In this article, we will create a database.

Create a database

Create a database to save the data of the WEB application.

Database type

The types of databases are as follows.

--Hierarchical database --Network database --Relational database

The most used of these is the relational database. Software that manages relational databases is called a relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL is one of the RDBMS. MySQL is an RDBMS developed and provided by Oracle, which allows you to create, edit, and delete databases. It is released as open source software and anyone can use it free of charge. Since it can be used together with Ruby on Rails, in this article we will create a database using MySQL.

Install MySQL

Execute the following command to install MySQL. This time install version 5.6.

sudo yum -y install mysql56-server mysql56-devel mysql56

Start MySQL

Execute the following command to start MySQL.

sudo service mysqld start

Execute the following command, and if "running" is displayed, it can be started successfully.

sudo service mysqld status

What is the service command?

A command that can be used on UNIX (Linux, Mac, etc.) to start and stop services.

What is mysqld

The above command is mysqld instead of mysql, with a "d" at the end. This d is an abbreviation for the Linux term "daemon" and means "server".

MySQL password setting

By default, the installed MySQL can be accessed as the root user, Since the password has not been set, set the password. For example, to set the password to'AbCdEf1234', execute the following command.

sudo /usr/libexec/mysql56/mysqladmin -u root password 'AbCdEf1234'

MySQL connection check

Execute the following command and check if you can connect to MySQL. You will be asked to enter the password, so enter the password you set earlier. OK if no error occurs.

mysql -u root -p

About MySQL command options

The options of the above MySQL command have the following meanings.

-u.Specify user name
-p.Password specification

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