Pass a variable to Scope.

I was a little confused about scope at work, so I will summarize it here as a memorandum. By the way, the person I am writing is a person who has been an engineer for one month. If you have any mistakes, please comment.

What I wanted to do

I want to pass variables for each to scope.

Actual code


  scope :search, lambda { |keyword|
                   where('name LIKE (?) OR
                          address LIKE (?) OR
                          near_station LIKE (?) OR
                          introduction LIKE (?) OR
                          company LIKE (?)',


      keywords = params[:keyword].split(/[[:blank:]]+/).select(&:present?)
      offices_list = []
      keywords.each do |keyword|
        offices_list +=

The code is only partially excerpted, but I was able to implement it this way. In the end, it became the above code, but the following code also worked normally.


  scope :search, keyword { where('name LIKE (?) OR
                          address LIKE (?) OR
                          near_station LIKE (?) OR
                          introduction LIKE (?) OR
                          company LIKE (?)',

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