When I typed the following command while creating test code using Rails, it did not work properly, so I described how it was solved as a memorandum.
$ rails g rspec:request article
Running via Spring preloader in process 15349
Deprecation warning: Expected boolean default value for '--orm'; got :active_record (string).
This will be rejected in the future unless you explicitly pass the options `check_default_type: false` or call `allow_incompatible_default_type!` in your code
You can silence deprecations warning by setting the environment variable THOR_SILENCE_DEPRECATION.
Could not find generator 'rspec:request'. Maybe you meant "rspec:decorator"?
Run `rails generate --help` for more options.
It ’s crazy "A Rails application preloader that keeps the application you're developing in the background to speed up development and eliminates the need to launch" Test rake task migration "every time."
It may be a problem that the process here remains, as it looks like a good guy.
First, check the status of spring
$ spring status
Spring is running:
3729 spring server | blogapp | started 17 hours ago
After all it was stopped.
Next, stop spring.
$ spring stop
Spring stopped.
Check the status again
$ spring status
Spring is not running.
$ rails g rspec:request article
Running via Spring preloader in process 15565
create spec/requests/articles_spec.rb
If you perform the command operation again, spring will also be executed, so don't worry.
If you get an error you don't remember, suspect spring
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