2018 Java Proficiency Test for Newcomers-Basics-


This test is for ** those who have already learned the basics of Java **. (Mainly newcomers who have Java learning experience before joining the company or who have already learned in training after joining the company) ** It takes 15 minutes **.

Answers with explanations will be published at a later date.

Reference material "Introduction to Java that can be understood clearly 2nd edition" http://amzn.asia/6n0UuFx text2.jpg

Ability test

Q1 ** Q. Please execute the following process and select the appropriate result from the console output. ** **


** Answers **

  1. 3
  2. 3.0
  3. "3"
  4. 3.5
  5. 4.5
  6. No output due to compilation error

Q2 ** Q. Please execute the following process and select the appropriate result from the console output. ** **


** Answers **

  1. 1: true, 2: true, 3: true
  2. 1: false, 2: true, 3:true
  3. 1: true, 2: false, 3:true
  4. 1: true, 2: true, 3: false
  5. 1: false, 2: true, 3:false

Q3 ** Q. Please execute the following process and select the appropriate result from the console output. ** **


** Answers **

  1. Osaka and Tokyo
  2. Osaka, Tokyo
  3. Osaka, Tokyo and Fukui
  4. Osaka, Tokyo, Fukui
  5. Nothing is displayed

Q4 ** Q. Please execute the following process and select the appropriate result from the console output. ** **


** Answers **

  1. 0
  2. 20
  3. 25
  4. 30

Q5 ** Q. What are the names of arrows often used in IDEs (Eclipse, IntelliJ, etc.)? ** **


Q6 ** Q. Please answer the words that apply to the mosaic below (all the same words). * However, if a is 2 and b is 3, 23 will be the return value. ** **


Q7 ** Q. Please select the appropriate reason for class division. ** **

** Answers **

  1. It doesn't work unless it is divided into classes in the first place.
  2. To improve readability and make it easier to reuse and maintain
  3. To reduce readability and protect code confidentiality 4.1 Because the number of variables and methods that can be defined in a class is limited

Q8 ** Q. Please execute the following process and select the appropriate result from the console output. ** **


** Answers **

  1. 0
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 10
  5. 11
  6. 22
  7. 23
  8. 24

Q9 ** Q. What is the name of the arrow? ** **


** Answers **

  1. auto-boxing
  2. auto-unboxing
  3. cast
  4. strong type conversion

Q10 ** Q. Execute the following process and select the appropriate one in the last line output to the console. ** **


** Answers **

  1. The current consumption tax is 8.0%.
  2. The consumption tax is expected to be 10.0% in the future.
  3. No output due to compilation error

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