[PYTHON] Analyze pixivpy

I'm about to write it, but I will publish it I will fix it if I have time

at first

I love pixivpy, but I don't see much explanation on domestic sites because it was developed in China. So I would like to share what I learned while using it. Download all the works of a specific user from pixiv at once using pixivpy of python (including moving) Please when you want to modify

Analysis method

In the old days, it was possible to analyze the return value with the software called spyder that comes with anaconda. It is no longer possible with the current version. Maybe you can do it with spyder 3.3.6 Therefore, I decided to use pyscripter or save it as a json file and then analyze it.


from pixivpy3 import *
import json
import os
from PIL import Image
import glob
from time import sleep

#This is a setting for each individual to do

#ID of the user who wants to download(The number at the end of the url when you go to the user's page on the web)
id_search = 11
#Maximum number of works to download per person, if you want to download all, make it as large as possible (exceeding the number of works of one author)
#Downloaded in newest order
#Filter by number of bookmarks, set minimum, 0 for all
#Filter by number of views, set minimum value, 0 is all

#Filter by tag How to write target_tag = ["Fate/GrandOrder","FGO","FateGO","Fate/staynight"]
target_tag = [] #target_If you write more than one in the tag, download if there is at least one of them
target_tag2 = []#Further target_If you write in tag2, target_Satisfy tag and target_Download only those that satisfy tag2
extag = ["R-18"]#Do not download if even one tag in extag is included

#Directory to save images
main_saving_direcory_path = "./img/"


#Read the file with the account information created in advance
with open("client.json", "r") as f:
    client_info = json.load(f)

#pixivpy login process
api = PixivAPI()
api.login(client_info["pixiv_id"], client_info["password"])
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
aapi.login(client_info["pixiv_id"], client_info["password"])

illustrator_id = api.users_works(id_search, per_page=works)
with open("users_works.json", "w") as n:
    json.dump(illustrator_id, n, indent = 2)

with open ("users_works.json","r") as sd:
    users_works = json.load(sd)



    #User work list
    def users_works(self, author_id, page=1, per_page=30,
                    image_sizes=['px_128x128', 'px_480mw', 'large'],
                    include_stats=True, include_sanity_level=True):

This is the definition.

api.users_works(11, per_page=100000) image.png

api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).paginaton image.png

api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response image.png

api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0] api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0] image.png


api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0].user api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0].user image.png

api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0].stats api.users_works(11, per_page=100000).response[0].stats image.png


aapi.download(illustrator_id.response[0].user.profile_image_urls.px_50x50, main_saving_direcory_path)

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Analyze pixivpy