Try shaking your hands with ARKit + Metal

I will show you how to use ARKit and Metal to shake your hands.

The finish looks like this. 20201015_qiita用_ショート.gif

Way of thinking

Use ARKit's People Occlusion.

People Occlusion gives you a humanoid mask texture that distorts the mask and camera image at the same time to get a distorted composite image. It feels like cutting out while distorted.

You can get an image like this (it is distorted more strongly than the video for clarity)

You can make the above video by superimposing the distorted hand image and the original image.


** 1. Get the official Apple sample **

Since the process of obtaining a humanoid mask texture using People Occlusion is written in Apple's official sample, I will write it based on this.

Effecting People Occlusion in Custom Renderers

** 2. Pass the elapsed time to the shader **

To make it sway, it is necessary to give the elapsed time to the transformation formula.

Declare a struct to pass to the shader.


struct Uniforms {
    var time: Float = 0

Next, declare a variable to manage the elapsed time and a start time.


class Renderer {
    var uniforms = Uniforms()
    private var startDate: Date = Date()
    var uniformsBuffer: MTLBuffer! //Buffer to pass to shader

Then, in the compositeImagesWithEncoder method that passes the information to the shader, we will pass the elapsed time together.


uniforms.time = time
uniformsBuffer = device.makeBuffer(bytes: &uniforms, length: MemoryLayout<Uniforms>.stride, options: [])
uniformsBuffer.label = "UniformsBuffer"

Prepare the same struct as the Swift side on the shader side and receive it as an argument of the function. The argument name is myUniforms.


struct Uniforms {
    float time;

fragment half4 compositeImageFragmentShader(CompositeColorInOut in [[ stage_in ]],
                                    texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureY [[ texture(0) ]],
                                    texture2d<float, access::sample> capturedImageTextureCbCr [[ texture(1) ]],
                                    texture2d<float, access::sample> sceneColorTexture [[ texture(2) ]],
                                    depth2d<float, access::sample> sceneDepthTexture [[ texture(3) ]],
                                    texture2d<float, access::sample> alphaTexture [[ texture(4) ]],
                                    texture2d<float, access::sample> dilatedDepthTexture [[ texture(5) ]],
                                    constant SharedUniforms &uniforms [[ buffer(kBufferIndexSharedUniforms) ]],
                                    constant Uniforms &myUniforms [[buffer(kBufferIndexMyUniforms)]])

** 3. Rewrite shader **

In the official sample, rewrite the compositeImageFragmentShader function of Shaders.metal as follows.


@@ -219,8 +397,9 @@ fragment half4 compositeImageFragmentShader(CompositeColorInOut in [[ stage_in ]
     half4 sceneColor = half4(sceneColorTexture.sample(s, sceneTexCoord));
     float sceneDepth = sceneDepthTexture.sample(s, sceneTexCoord);

+    float2 modifier = float2(sin(cameraTexCoord.y + myUniforms.time*5)*0.2, 0); //Deformation formula
     half4 cameraColor = half4(rgb);
-    half alpha = half(alphaTexture.sample(s, cameraTexCoord).r);
+    half alpha = half(alphaTexture.sample(s, cameraTexCoord + modifier).r); //Transform the humanoid mask

     half showOccluder = 1.0;

@@ -233,8 +412,11 @@ fragment half4 compositeImageFragmentShader(CompositeColorInOut in [[ stage_in ]
         showOccluder = (half)step(dilatedDepth, sceneDepth); // forwardZ case

+    float2 displacedUV = sceneTexCoord + modifier; //Transform the image

-    half4 occluderResult = mix(sceneColor, cameraColor, alpha);
+    half4 displacedCol = half4(sceneColorTexture.sample(s, displacedUV)); //Acquisition of deformed humanoid image
+    half4 occluderResult = mix(sceneColor, displacedCol, alpha); //Combine the deformed image with the original image
     half4 mattingResult = mix(sceneColor, occluderResult, showOccluder);
     return mattingResult;

This is where it matters.


float2 modifier = float2(sin(cameraTexCoord.y + myUniforms.time*5)*0.2, 0); //Deformation formula

The y coordinate of the input image plus the elapsed time is given to the sin function, and this is assigned to the modifier. The modifier is a variable to add to the camera and humanoid mask, and this time the formula is contained only in x, so only the x-axis direction will fluctuate.

In addition, since the actual video fluctuates in the vertical direction, it contradicts the above formula, but this is because the iPhone recorded in the landscape state was converted vertically with image editing software.

I wrote about the deformation of figures in this article, so please see here as well.

How to transform ARKit and SceneKit shapes with Metal shader


I also uploaded a video on Youtube. Finished video (Youtube)

The source code is here.


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