Note: The meaning of specifying only * (asterisk) as an argument in the Python function definition.

If you code it only occasionally, you'll soon forget it.

There are times when only one * (asterisk) is specified in the argument in the Python function definition (sometimes when you look at the source of the standard library):

def connect_accepted_socket(self, protocol_factory, sock, *, ssl=None):

this is,

The arguments after “” and “ identifier” are keyword-only arguments and are passed only using keyword arguments.

In other words, if you put *, in between, the arguments after that are "not accepted unless they are keyword arguments" (not accepted as positional arguments).

>>> def foobar(a, b, *, c=False):
...     print(a if c else b)
>>> foobar(1, 2)
>>> foobar(1, 2, c=True)
>>> foobar(1, 2, True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: foobar() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

The word "asterisk" is for searching. Just in case you forget the fact that you made this post yourself.

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